UCR Winter Admit or wait for fall for UCLA, UCSD

A little background, I am 31, a 3.9 community college student. Looking to be a Sociology professor. Prior, I had been acccepted to all UCs even UC Berkeley. I fell fatally ill and took some time off to recuperate. Now that I feel much better, I want to pursue the road that I was on. I have been offered UCR Winter 2018 admission. UCR is great, but it is not my dream school. I really wanted to stay in Southern California (my hometown area) and go to either UCLA or UCSD. My chances are pretty high of getting into a competive school because of my GPA, being Latina, single mom of 4 kids… Which I am grateful. Point is, should I l wait 8 months for Fall semester to start at my dream school or just start already and attend UCR in January? I worked very hard for these opportunities and I dont want to seem ungrateful, but at the same time, I don’t want to make a foolish decision. Any opinions? I thank each an everyone of you!

At this point in your life, every year out of the workforce is costing you dearly. I think you should go to UCR now instead of wasting a semester for a maybe from LA or SD. Grad school is in your future, If you do well at UCR you’ll be done in two years or less and on to a top UC.

Agree with NCalRent: Go to UCR, aim for grad school at one of your dream schools–you’ll be there a long time. You’ll save on rent, as well. Also, I don’t think you fell fatally ill :slight_smile: