UCs and Residency

I’ve been reading about AB 540 but I’m a little confused: What are the rules for in-state tuition at the UCs for a student who s accepted at a UC, has lived in CA their whole life, and went to high school in CA, but whose parents move out of state right before they start?

And…does financial aid status matter?

Did the student graduate from high school in California after three years of attendance to qualify for AB540 rules?

If the parents move out of California before the student starts college at a UC, then a dependent-for-financial-aid-purposes student will lose California residency, but will have non-resident tuition waived and be eligible for in-state financial aid if the student meets the AB540 rules.


Example form from UCB (other campuses may have their own forms):


Yes, we are talking about meeting AB540 requirements.

So it sounds like the financials stay the same? Any need-based grants would continue…including CalGrants and any institutional money?

It looks like it based on the various web pages. Ask the UC directly to verify.

Thanks! Will do. Just wanted to get a sense of what to expect before calling!