UC's (B, LA, SD, SB)

<p>UC gpa 3.63
2 AP's junior year
3 AP's senior year, full load</p>

<p>First SAT: 1780 (i'm curious if they will look down upon my poor first test)
Second try: 2110
I will be taking the MathII and Bio subject tests. let's assume a 750 on Bio and 650 on MathII</p>

<p>Community service (tutoring, Tijuana home builds, and homeless shelter) and various athletics from 9th-12th, and manager for 2 varsity teams in 11th grade (water polo and swimming, one spring one fall)</p>

<p>Caucasian male, southern california </p>

<p>Thank you :D</p>

<p>I'm guessing B/LA 10%, SD 40%, and SB 60%</p>

<p>cool, building houses in tijuana? what a cool place to build houses. good job.</p>

<p>UC gpa is kind of low, so i dfinitely wouldn't count on B/LA. SD and SB are solid possibilities.</p>

<p>thanks, yea they were really fun too</p>

<p>my gpa kills me</p>

<p>You need to add more schools that are less selective. Last year, friend of my daughter with higher GPA and higher SAT got rejected from UCI business major.</p>

<p>I'm also applying to calpoly slo, irvine, and davis, but i'm more interested in the 4 i mentioned in the title.</p>

<p>hey otrebmu...and yes i improved. I got a 2270.</p>

<p>ur GPA is too weak... apply to riverside/merced</p>