UCs: GPA question


So far, as a sophomore and having just gotten my semester 1 grades, I have a B+ in a regular class, meaning a 3.89 unweighted and a 4.22 weighted GPA. Do UCs look more at unweighted or weighted? Or both equally?

UC”s look at 3 GPA’s using your grades from 10-11th only.

Unweighted UC GPA, Capped weighted UC GPA and Fully weighted UC GPA.

Unweighted UC GPA= grades from 10-11th a-g courses no weighting

Capped weighted UC GPA= grades 10-11th a-g courses with a maximum of 8 semesters of UC approved Honors (only CA HS students), AP, IB or DE courses (UC transferable)

Fully weighted UC GPA= grades 10-11th a-g courses with an unlimited honors points for the above classes.

This calculator will give you all 3 GPA’s. You need to wait until end of Junior year to determine your UC GPA’s. One semester of grades is not meaningful at this point.
