GPAs utilized by UCs

I know that UCs use a weighted and capped GPA (meaning that they allow only 8 honors/AP courses). However, do they also account for applicants’ uncapped and unweighted GPAs? Thanks to my poor performance in my sophomore year, my capped GPA is only a 3.92 (and I’ve maxed out the limit for honors/AP courses); however, I’ve been performing to a higher standard this year and am now at a 4.06 and expect (hopefully ) to be at a 4.18-4.2 by the end of the year. Will the UCs consider this hypothetical 4.2 in addition to the 3.9?

You are a Senior or Junior?
Senior grades are not considered in UC admission decisions but doing well will maintain your provisional admission.
If you are a Junior, than an upward trend will help and your final UC GPA at end of Junior will be the UC GPA considered during the application period.

I’m a junior.

Use this calculator to calculate your true UC GPA at the end of Junior year:

The UC’s will look at your UW and UC capped weighted GPA while UCLA and UCB will also consider your Uncapped Fully weighted UC GPA.

You should assume that admissions readers can see all of your GPAs, courses, and grades in your application.