<p>Okay so I just realized something.</p>
<p>In total after this semester I will have completed 17 semester units with Pass/No Pass. Months ago when I was reading over UCSB's policies it said to get a B.A. No more than 1/3 of the units needed to meet the minimum amount for the degree can be taken Pass/No Pass. </p>
<p>My CCC allows a maximum of 20 units to be taken Pass/No Pass.</p>
<p>When I transfer I'll be transferring 70 units. I was admitted to UCSB and I TAG'd there. Looking today on UCSB's site this is what their admissions requirements are,</p>
<p>Complete 60 semester or 90 quarter units of transferable college credit with a grade point average of at least 2.4 for California residents and at least 2.8 for nonresidents <a href="no%20more%20than%2014%20semester%20or%2021%20quarter%20units%20may%20be%20taken%20Pass/Not%20Pass">B</a>. **
Complete the following seven-course pattern requirement, earning a grade of C or better in each:
Two transferable courses in English composition.
One transferable course in mathematics beyond intermediate algebra, such as college algebra, precalculus, or statistics.
Four transferable courses from among at least two of the following areas: Arts and humanities, Behavioral and social sciences, Biological and physical sciences."</p>
<p>And this is the TAG requirements for UCSB,</p>
Conditions of the Guarantee</p>
<li>Submit a TAG application at uctap.universityofcalifornia.edu during the filing period for fall 2014 (September 1-30, 2013).</li>
<li>Submit an admission application to UCSB during the filing period for fall 2014 (November 1-30, 2013).</li>
<li>Applicants must have completed 30 UC-transferable semester units (excluding AP/IB/A Level units) prior to TAG submission and complete the last 30 of 60 or more UC-transferable semester units in residence at a California community college.</li>
<li>Complete the required courses in English composition (two courses designated as UC-E on the UC-Transferable Course Agreement) and mathematics (one course designated as UC-M on the UC-Transferable Course Agreement) with C grades or better by the end of fall 2013 for fall 2014 admission.</li>
<li>Complete at least 60 UC-transferable semester units (excluding AP/IB/A Level units) by the end of spring 2014 for fall 2014 admission, with no more than 18 semester units in spring 2014 to reach this unit requirement.</li>
<li>Complete four courses selected from among at least two of the following three areas with C grades or better in each course by the end of spring 2014 for fall 2014 admission:
Arts and Humanities (designated UC-H on the UC-Transferable Course Agreement)
Behavioral and Social Sciences (UC-B on the UC-Transferable Course Agreement)
Biological and Physical Sciences (UC-S on the UC-Transferable Course Agreement)"</li>
<p>Nowhere on the TAG does it mention anything about a maximum for coursework taken Pass/No Pass as part of the conditions of the guarantee. So I'm guessing that since I have fulfilled my end of the Guarantee they will have to uphold their part too?</p>
<p>So what do you guys think?</p>
<p>Um, you have to follow the admissions requirement in addition to the TAG requirement. So no, they don’t have to state anywhere on the TAG agreement about the 14 semester units max being pass/no pass, just like how they don’t state anywhere on the TAG agreement about the arts and humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, etc. requirement because it automatically assumed that you know about and will complete those requiements. </p>
<p>@k4201505 - Actually in a contract which the Transfer Admission Guarantee is, everything must be in there, and the arts, science, humanities requirements are all listed on Conditions of the guarantee as quoted above of you took the time to read what I posted.</p>
<p>Also, anyone with any knowledge of contract law would tell you that ambiguity in a contract will always benefit the party that did not draft the contract.</p>
<p>So something like saying what you said above, "they don’t have to state anywhere on the TAG agreement about the 14 semester units max being pass/no pass, "</p>
<p>That’s very ambiguous and a person would not know that taking part in the TAG Agreement/Contract. </p>
<p>Ok then you can go and sue them, I’m sure you have a great case. </p>
<p>I won’t need to sue them, they won’t rescind my admission.</p>
<p>And let’s say hypothetically it did say in the contract that there’s a maximum, even then they still would be unlikely to rescind my admission because I’m a well qualified applicant and it would be silly to do over 3 extra Pass/No Pass units. But since it’s not actually even part of the contract I guess it’s a moot point.</p>
<p>Oh and here’s the contract law,</p>
<p>“California Civil Code §1654 (‘In cases of uncertainty … the language of a contract should be interpreted most strongly against the party who caused the uncertainty to exist’)”</p>
<p>Contra proferentem also places the cost of losses on the party who was in the best position to avoid the harm. This is generally the person who drafted the contract.</p>
<p>If I were you I would contact UCSB and ask them about it.</p>
<p>Well as it’s not a condition of the guarantee I don’t see a real reason to do that. I’ve fulfilled my end of the contractual obligations and they will have to fulfill their end as well.</p>
<p>I’m finding I’m actually pretty good with schools and making sure they fulfill their legal obligations as well though, I was admitted to the CSU system without having to take a speech course which is part of their “Golden Four” through a loophole.</p>
<p>You should look at the TAG agreement you signed in the Transfer Admission Planner. That will have a more comprehensive view of the actual agreement. My TAG for Irvine on the TAP was a little more specific and less interpretive than the website version.</p>
<p>Did you get accepted? If not then your TAG was rescinded, if you were accepted then either your TAG went through OR you made it into the campus without it. </p>
<p>@2016Candles - This is the actual TAG Contract I signed from the Transfer Admission Planner, </p>
<p>"Choosen major:
View Campus TAG Details & Requirements</p>
<p>UC Santa Barbara TAG Checklist - Fall 2014:
You must agree to these campus-specific requirements in order to submit your TAG application.
· I have completed at least 30 UC-transferable semester units (excluding AP/IB/A-Level units) prior to TAG submission and will complete the last 30 of 60 or more UC-transferable semester units in residence at a California community college.
· I will complete the required courses in English composition and mathematics with grades of C or better by the end of fall 2013 for fall 2014 admission.
· I will complete at least 60 UC-transferable semester units (excluding AP/IB/A-Level units) by the end of spring 2014 for fall 2014 admission, with no more than 18 units in spring 2014 to reach 60 semester units.
· I will complete four courses selected from among at least two of the following three areas with a grade of C or better in each course by the end of spring 2014: Arts and Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Biological and Physical Sciences.
· I will earn an overall minimum 3.20 GPA in all UC-transferable course work by the end of fall 2013 and maintain an overall minimum 3.20 GPA in all UC-transferable course work through the end of spring 2014.
· UCSB requires completion of specific major preparation in the following majors: all Biological Sciences majors, all Economics majors, and all majors in the College of Engineering. I will complete the major preparation courses required for admission in my selected major, with the required minimum GPA in those courses.
· I certify that I have listed all colleges/universities in which I have been enrolled. (You must list all colleges and/or universities you have attended, regardless of the length of attendance, whether courses were completed or whether you believe the record will affect your chances for admission to the university or yield transferable credit.)
· I certify that I have listed all college/university courses in which I was enrolled, as well as grades I received. I further certify that I have listed all college/university courses in which I am currently enrolled or plan to enroll in for a future term. (You must list all courses in which you were enrolled, with grades, regardless of whether courses were completed, repeated, or whether you believe the course and grade will affect your chances for admission to the university or yield transferable credit. You must also list all courses in which you are currently enrolled or plan to enroll in a future term.)
· I understand that any TAG agreements I receive may be considered invalid if the information I have supplied is found to be incomplete or inaccurate.
· I understand that all calculations of my GPA and UC-transferable units are preliminary.
· I certify that I am in good standing at my current community college. I understand that I must remain in good standing in order to maintain any TAG agreements I might receive.
· I understand I must submit my UC application for admission for fall 2014 during the month of November 2013."</p>
<p>And nowhere on there is anything about a maximum of coursework being taken Pass/No Pass.</p>
<p>@CaliEconTransfer - Well the courses I’m taking right now are the ones that put me over the limit so they don’t know yet that I’ve surpassed the 14 units.</p>
<p>@matt4200 You didn’t need to post that for my benefit. I don’t need that info- I was just saying that for your benefit. Good luck</p>
<p>I think you’re going to be ok, but this is just speculation. My reasoning is that the 14 semester unit rule counts if you are trying to apply with just 60 units. Another way of phrasing it, then is you must have no less than 46 units taken for a letter grade. You meet that.</p>
<p>But I’m not a UCSB adcom. I’m puzzled why you would ask here instead of contacting UCSB. You can call, set up an online advising appt, etc. so it isn’t like they aren’t available.</p>
And anyone with any knowledge of contract law would know that at all included conditions are part of a contract. You seem to have overlooked this
Right up above you posted from your contract “I understand I must submit my UC application for admission”. Therefore all conditions of applying to UCSB are included in the contract. Including the pass/fail restriction. Sorry.</p>
<p>@mikemac -</p>
<p>They should have a FAQ section where it would answer this for general non-TAG applicants about having 46 units taken for a letter grade, but sadly they don’t. It doesn’t make sense that you can have 60semester units/90 quarter units taken P/NP to get a B.A. There and yet only 14 allowed for general applicants to transfer. Also, I thoroughly read over the requirements prior to applying I genuinely believe that this rule was not added until AFTER the application period, because I would have seen it, but that is just speculation.</p>
<p>The inclusion of the necessity to submit an application does not mean that one would be subject to additional requirements under the Transfer Admission Guarantee.</p>
<p>It is not a condition that you have no more than 14 units P/NP to apply nor does it state so anywhere on the application, so I think you might have overlooked that.</p>
<p>I called and they said due to the Family Education Rights to Privacy Act they could not pull up my record over the phone which is total bs.</p>
<p>This is the response I got from UCSB,</p>
<p>“In general, though, units are just limited to the specific amount that is allowed. It is unlikely that taking too many P/NP units would affect your admission. Also, since you have already been admitted, your application has been reviewed and we have seen your P/NP units anyway. So you probably have no reason to worry”.</p>
<p>A general response without accessing any of my actual info</p>
<p>@matt4200 - How did it work out? Does your admissions stand?</p>
<p>@2016candles - I won’t know until July but as of now I’m assuming so.</p>
<p>@Matt4200 Wow…nothing is smooth sailing with you. I think because you have 70 units you will be fine. But I am not convinced they will count all of the units toward graduation requirements. </p>
<p>@Annie2015 - Haha it keeps things interesting! </p>
<p>Yeah they told me they really just mean 46/60 must be for a letter grade.</p>
<p>And they said up to 45/120 (semester) or 60/180 (quarter) units may be completed for a P/NP grade towards the degree.</p>
<p>Haha also I took a criminal justice intro course with a Credit by exam, the grade on my transcripts shows a CRE, which is different from a P.</p>
<p>I don’t need it for anything I just have an extensive knowledge of the criminal justice system because I’m planning on going into law.</p>
<p>Do you think that would count toward my P/NP units? And as elective credit I’m guessing at a UC</p>
<p>They only accept 14 units of P/NP. Plus a minimum of 60 units. Why are so argumentative. You have 70 units. The worse that happens is they don’t accept 6 units. You’re still in.</p>
<p>@lindyk8 - what’s your source? Because I actually went to the campus and asked when I was in SB last week.</p>
<p>They said you just need to have 46 units completed for a letter grade out of 60.</p>
<p>So if I have 70 units and 17 of them are P/NP that’s 53/70 completed for a letter grade which they said is acceptable.</p>
<p>Also nowhere in the TAG contract which this thread refers to states anything about limitations on P/NP for TAG students.</p>
<p>Because as an attorney (the career field I’m aiming for) you must be argumentative? Why would you jump into a thread with incorrect information and question someone’s attributes? lol</p>