UCSB appeal?

I applied to UCSB as a Communication major with English as my alternate. I have a 3.91 GPA, am in PTK, worked as an English tutor for two semesters. IGETC all done, and I believe I had the prerequisites done as well (their website says Statistics and IGETC are the PreReqs). I was denied.

Should I appeal? I saw admissions stats from prior years and I am above the 75th percentile GPA…so I feel like I definitely should have been accepted.

Any input is welcome, thanks for reading.

How badly do you want to go here? If you have been admitted to another school that you’d rather attend, then I would just forget about UCSB, their loss.

Update: I found out I was not enrolled in 60 UC transferable units. After meeting with a UCSB admissions rep at my college, he was able to confirm that was the only reason I was denied. We were able to add another class that will put me over the 60 unit threshold.
3.9 GPA, PreReqs completed for COMM, and now will have the requisite units as well.
Several questions – 1. What kind of chances do I have now? 2. How long will it take until I hear back?

I would appreciate input from anyone with experience regarding the appeal process, as the admissions rep said their appeal selection process is slightly different from standard admissions.

Thanks for reading.

Hah, I was in your shoes exactly!
A lovely lady over at admissions confirmed that I was denied for that same reason.

I’m not sure how their appeal selection process differs, but I was accepted at UCSD’s Philosophy program after appealing. I didn’t try to appeal UCSB, but I’m guessing the result would’ve been the same deal since it’s lower ranked for my major.

In short: appeal! If you want to see my letter as a guideline, I think I may still have it.
I was admitted in May, I think. Or very late April.

I was accepted back in 2003 after doing IGETC and I had a 2.5 GPA. Unless things have changed I would think they should accept you.