UCSB being a party school?

Hi everyone! I recently got into UCSB as a International Studies major which was great news. But i’m currently deciding between UCSB and UCI. I heard that UCSB is a crazy party school which is great but i’m worried that it would affect my academics. What do you guys think? Also, What is this Deltopia i keep hearing about exactly?


This is a parents perspective: Any school can be a party school. It is your choice to participate or not. There are many non-party students at UCSB so all you have to do is find them and you will be fine.

No doubt there are parties, but our kid is a non-partier with like-minded friends and they have a great time at the school and are doing well academically. A lot of it is up to you. UCSB has also been taking proactive steps the last few years to rein in some of the craziness and it seems to be quieting things down a lot during Deltopia and Halloween weekends. As parents, we definitely took concerns similar to yours into account, talked to friends with kids at the school and others who were alums, and concluded we were comfortable with the scene there. No regrets.