UCSB GED requirements?

Hi, so I wanted to make sure that the 3 classes I quickly picked at Orientation cover separate GED requirements.

Art History
World History
Intro to Sociology

I know that Art History covers the Art GED requirement, but what about the other two? I want to make sure they don’t fulfill the SAME GED. If that were the case, I will change it - if I can, that is. But my UCSB Gold says I can on the 18th…

I am very confused and will gladly accept any help, thank you :slight_smile:

World History will fulfill area E- Culture and Thought
Intro to Sociology will fulfill area D- Social Sciences

In the UCSB Course Catalog, under the description of each course it should state which GE requirement that particular course fulfills.

It will all make sense after a quarter or 2.

good luck.