UCSB Health Insurance = Covered Off-Campus?

Hello everyone, I’ve just SIR-ed to UCSB and am currently going through the Steps to Enrollment! I’m on the step to sign up for the medical health insurance right now and I am wondering if I use the school’s insurance, would I be covered when I leave the campus to visit my family? My parents want me to come home at least twice a month, but if I were to get into an accident in my hometown (135 miles away), does the Gaucho Insurance apply to the hospitals down there?

(Also, I’m covered by my parent’s insurance, but since UCSB is giving me a grant for the insurance they plan to take me off to save money. But only if the UCSB covers everything.)

Thanks everyone! I’ll probably ask the school’s SHS, but I’m hoping someone knows the answer on here.

Does UCSB insurance apply to students going off campus to visit family or for break?

I came across this thread because I was wondering about this as well. I imagine that you’ve already found the answer to your question since your post is several months old, but to anyone else who has this question: Yes, UCSB’s health insurance should cover emergencies that you might have at home, but you’ll probably want to read the fine print before having your parents take you off of their insurance policy. The UC has an overview of student health insurance and links to campus-specific information on this page http://ucop.edu/ucship/.