Has anyone out there attended RMP as a rising sophomore (applied during freshman)?
according to the website, “*Outstanding 9th graders considered and only accepted on case-by-case basis”
I wonder what’s the par…

Can you share your stats/profile? Shed some light?

Also they ask for a writing sample. What kind of a science report are they expecting? My son is currently taking Bio, Pre-calc, and AP Comp Sci


@MyCindy My son is now in college, but he attended RMP the summer after 9th grade. We are local, and it is possible that they are more likely to take local kids early, since they won’t stay in the dorms.

They now also have a 4-week program that they may try to direct younger students into. That is new since he attended RMP.

Having only had one year of HS classes may limit the projects they decide a student is ready for. My son was hoping to work in a particular physics lab, but he hadn’t yet taken calculus, so they gave him a CS project that was further down on his list. It worked out fine, and he ended up working in the lab of the physics professor he’d wanted to work with in 10th-12th grade. Doing research early during HS helped open up other opportunities later.

I found his old writing sample and resume on my computer. The writing sample is an essay that he wrote for https://www.astronomycamp.org/ for that same summer. Since he was accepted to both, he wasn’t able to attend Astronomy Camp. It was basically a 4-page science fiction piece that started “The following are selected log entries from the spaceship Starvoyage, on its 1000 year voyage to the star system of Gliese 667C, 22.7 light years away.” (Memories, so cute!)

Admission may have gotten more selective; I don’t know. This was 4 years ago.

His stats back then were:
4.0 UW/4.8 W, class rank 1 (didn’t stay that way).
5 in AP CS in 8th grade
In 9th he was taking AP Physics B (the old combo of Physics 1&2) and doubling up on Alg II/Trig and Precalc.
He was also in a HS engineering program, so had learned some machining and CAD at that point.
He took dual-enrollment intro biology the summer before 9th.
No PSAT/SAT/ACT scores at that point (but he mentioned CTY scores, which were high).
Lists of programming languages, CAD/etc tools, operating systems

His resume at that point still mentioned a CA State Science Fair award from 8th grade and county-level AMC 8 awards. ECs back then included teaching a C++ class to junior high students, along with 3 other CS teaching/mentoring activities. One small research activity at that point and some minor journalism.

@Ynotgo That was very impressive stats as a freshman. Thanks.
Looks like the 4-week program is more appropriate for freshmen.

Got in as a freshman. Didn’t end up going. My GPA at that point was 4.0/4.4. I was a 2xAIME qualifier and won some regional and state science competitions. In addition, I was a USACO Gold and was in the accelerated math program at school. I had taken the SAT Math II and got an 800.

Hello! I saw your post that you got accepted into RMP. I am planning on applying this year. I have a question: What do they expect in the personal statement? (It’s my first time applying for an internship and I am very worried!) Thank you for your time!

Hi @ ghermione
Wondering if you got a response on this? My son is in the same boat as yours. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Hello, did your son apply?

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can anybody lot onto the UCSB RMP application? I can not…Emailed them but no response. Are the program already full?? or just website issues? ??

I am able to log onto the website and see my application… maybe you can try again or email them.

Thank you! They don’t respond or pick up phones.

I emailed them earlier to ask when the supplemental was due and they responded in around 2 days.

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Hi, this is a bit unrelated to this thread, but does anyone have any insight into what the actual program is like? Is the research completely developed independently by the student with the help of a mentor? Or is the student “finishing up” a project that a mentor already started for them? Different websites are saying different things, so we are a bit confused.

Could you let me know when they are due? I was wondering the same thing and just emailed them but they probably wont respond in time. I’m just about to submit my application tonight so I’m kind of worried I won’t have enough time to finish the supplementals adequately if they’re also due on the 15th.

I emailed them and they said that the supplement is due on the 29th.

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thank you so much! I was also wondering if right after you submitted your initial application there was a notice that said “Transcript(s) Verified Not Received.” I’m a bit confused if that means there was an error in my transcript submission or if they just haven’t had a chance to verify it yet. Thanks!

I don’t check CC as much anymore cuz I’ve been busy with school and work but my 2 cents is that UCSB is a fine program although it’s not super well known compared to like HSHSP and RSI. My friend went here I think 10th or 11th grade summer and is now a happy early admit to MIT

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That’s what mine said right after I submitted it, but it changed after a couple of days. I think it takes them a while to review the transcript.

hi! i was wondering if you have gotten into RMP previously?

do you mind sharing how you or your friend did at the interview in terms of performance? i did my interview today but am not completely confident in my answers.

Hi! I have my interview soon and was wondering what kind of questions they ask? I have no previous research experience and am super nervous!