<p>Where would you go and why?</p>

<p>These are my 2 favorite schools and even though I haven't applied to them yet, I still want a better idea of where I would go (assuming i get into both). So hopefully your opinions will help me decide.</p>

<p>I would choose UCLA, even without my horrible bias. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>UCLA, I dunno. My parents did grad work at UCLA and they loved their time there. I don't know much about UCSB</p>

<p>Isn't UCSB on a beach with dorms that overlook the beach? And isn't it one of the biggest party schools yet still is in the top 50 for US News? 4 years of paradise vs. a slightly more prestigious school... hmmm....</p>

<p>i'd go for ucsb for the reasons stated above. i live in la, and have lived here my whole life. even though i'm not familiar with santa barbara i think it feels more like a college town or the place to have a better overall college experiance, compared to los angeles.</p>

<p>So I live near SB and I don't think I would agree with liek0806. UCSB is a major party school so you have to figure if that is what you want...other factors:
UCSB is easier to get in than UCLA. UCLA is very tough to get in...what are your stats? What major? UCLA is strong in some, UCSB in others.... SB is a college town on the UCSB campus just like UCLA is a college town on the campus....otherwise on the areas outside campus I don't think one is more like a college town than the other.<br>
Have been to visit both??</p>

<p>i think people are easily influenced by selectivity and ranking.</p>

<p>i can bet that most kids on here would go crazy over ucsb if it was ranked higher than ucla, and then go on to say it's the better school between the two, but their opinion would only be based on numbers.</p>

<p>when someone actually starts college you realize all these rankings and admissions numbers mean nothing, and are useless in the real world.</p>

<p>both good schools, but i would deff pick ucla. better academics, and i love westwood!</p>

<p>wait until fall and then visit people you know from HS so you can spend a nite at the school camped out on their dorm floor. Walk around, talk to people in the cafeteria (you can purchase meals in the dorm cafeterias and eat at the tables with your friends), talk to people around campus, get a feel for which is right for you. ucla has the edge academically, but ucsb offers more of a community feel since everyone lives right on/near campus. You should also consider some of the other uc's; davis is a good school and has more of a campus feel to it, ucsd is also a strong school. Don't rush to decide now, try to keep an open mind until you learn more and can visit. Visits are often revealing; reactions can be "I love it here" or "for gods sake, get me outta here".</p>

<p>Also you should be aware of the "halo" effect, something you'll learn more about in psych classes. This is when some initial factor colors everything else. So you go to on a visit and the parking attendent is snippy, it starts you out on the wrong foot. The way to work around this is to have a list prepared in advance of what you're looking for in a college (in interviewing the equivalent technique is called "structured interviewing"). So make a list of what matters to you, which could be advising, study abroad options, class sizes, honors college, housing, community feel, whatever's important to you. That's why IMHO our opinions aren't important to making your decision.</p>

<p>mikemac --- thanks for the advice... I have already visited UCSB and I love the school and could definately see myself going there. I haven't been to UCLA, but I'm sure I won't hate it. </p>

<p>See my problem is I would love to go to UCSB, but if I got into UCLA I would feel like I have to go there bc of they have great academics and athletics. I think though in the end if I happen to get into both schools I would choose UCSB bc I will eventually realize that sports and a little extra prestige aren't worth the BEACH @ UCSB</p>