<p>Just by my bias, UCSC
I like Santa Cruz more than Riverside</p>

<p>To me UCSC is a much better looking campus and I do know the bio majors at UCSC are better than UCRs</p>

<p>Jason, imho I think UCSC is the choice for you. You will have an excellent education no matter where you go in UC, don’t worry about what might be. Between your two choices, you will have equal opportunities to succeed. Besides, at UCSC you will be close to home yet far enough away to enjoy the college experience.</p>

<p>uhh clemi hes not the one choosing rofl <.<. He’s already in UCR anyways</p>

<p>Honestly Jason09 half of your posts on this thread are pushing UCR’s superiority, or arguing with other people whom you slightly disagree with.</p>

<p>Let me get the full picture, and tell me what I won’t like about it. Tell me please what the honest negatives are about UCR. Right now I don’t know whether or not to disregard your posts…what can you tell me of all the negative rumors UCR gets, how much of it is true and to what extent?</p>

<p>I am strongly considering UCR on account of its Thomas Haider Program.
But I am afraid of turning into one of those people complaining about UCR, to be honest it was not one of my top choices. In the silver lining of UCR, though, is the Thomas Haider Program which is just as good as transferring into UCLA in my mind.</p>

<p>I’m afraid that if I do end up being one of those unhappy Highlanders, combined with being away from home, what does that do to my chances at being good enough to be one of the 24 students accepted into the Haider Program?</p>

<p>Anyone can give me their thoughts not just strictly Jason2009</p>

<p>Oh yeah to add to my most recent post, not only the Haider Program but the 2012 medical school is also weighing in HEAVILY on my mind.</p>

<p>Cali Trumpet thanks for such an awesome post. What do you think though because this is what im weighing between…</p>

<p>UCR- has its Thomas Haider Program and a new Medical School in 2012, which is just right since Im graduating highschool c/o '10. Thing is is that, the Haider Program is 24 students only a year, so I’m scared of my chances of being one of those selected. Especially with the possibility of having to deal with being away from home in a place where I may not enjoy myself (I’m still unsure if this will be the case though).</p>

<p>UCSC - has a Health Sciences which is supposed to be esp. for those wanting to go into the medical field. Part of it includes learning medical spanish, which intrigues me because I am currently in Spanish level 4 AP and I also tutor Spanish 1-3 students. Its also supposedly a nicer, better campus and it is also just the right distance from home. I’m not the biggest outdoors type though, and the Thomas Haider program and the possibility of a UCLA medical edu. is also intriguing.</p>

<p>Helllp im in sucha bind. I’m going to visit UCSC soon, but UCR is a problem seeing as I have no one to go there with. But we’ll see…</p>

<p>"uhh clemi hes not the one choosing rofl <.<. He’s already in UCR anyways "</p>

<p>geez, thank you for pointing that out… after so many posts I thought the OP was Jason. </p>

<p>Blacktofu, please accept my apologies, my post is for you:</p>

<p>imho I think UCSC is the choice for you. You will have an excellent education no matter where you go in UC, don’t worry about what might be. Between your two choices, you will have equal opportunities to succeed. Besides, at UCSC you will be close to home yet far enough away to enjoy the college experience.</p>

<p>XD np clemi :slight_smile: hope u didnt take it offensively D: though can’t tell from ur post XD.</p>

<p>Hehe no hard feelings clemi. Coincidentally, my initials are OP haha.</p>

<p>what do you think about these two options though?</p>

<p>Health Sciences at UCSC => [Health</a> Science Home](<a href=“http://www.biology.ucsc.edu/healthsci/]Health”>http://www.biology.ucsc.edu/healthsci/)
But my major on my application is Biology, so I’m not sure how hard it would be to switch into the Health Sciences Major.</p>


<p>UCR with sights on the Thomas Haider Program => [Prospective</a> Medical Students](<a href=“http://www.biomed.ucr.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=49]Prospective”>http://www.biomed.ucr.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=49)</p>

<p>UCLA just seems too good to pass up, but let’s be real I don’t know if I’d be good enough to be one of the 24 selected…</p>

<p>I am 100% on the fence between UCSC and UCR right now.</p>

<p>theres alot of applicants for the thomas haider program :frowning: (about 160?) and only 24 make it to there :(. You’re still competing for the spot :/. UCSC health science major seems much better :). You can focus more on doing well and not have the pressure of the transfer program forcing u to do well. Plus every1 i know who graduated with that major went on to grad schools like USC, UCSD, Stanford</p>

<p>yeah shibykin thats exactly what I was thinking, but I mean how often do you get a chance like the one that Thomas Haider gives…a chance to do your medical at UCLA? its so hard to weigh the options</p>

<p>If you love UCLA so much, go to CCC, and transfer.</p>

<p>:/. I kinda have to agree with Cali on this. If you want UCLA that badly then do CCC, even though the UCR thing might give u a lil advantage. You shouldn’t really go to a UC with the intention of just doing the transfer program, cuz if you don’t get in you’re not gonna get motivated <.< after ur in or even if you didnt. Although I do know there is a transfer program from UCSC to UCB, but I think thats for civil engineering.</p>

<p>If you do plan on changing major, UCSC may seem a better fit, since it’s overall stronger in the science department than UCR(ex. Marine Biology).</p>

<p>i don’t love ucla like that. im just down to deciding whether or not Health Sciences at UCSC is good enough to give up the chance at going into that Thomas Haider Program at UCR? </p>

<p>which leads to the question, is the Thomas Haider even feasible when I might be another one of those people who end up hating the atmosphere and vibe of UCR, and w/ no fam or friends to ease that unhappiness at UCR.</p>

<p>assuming that 160 applicants apply and 24 get in. thats a 15% acceptance rate <.<. You’re better off trying to go to UCSC and transfer there urself without the program if you can’t stand UCSC since the acceptance rate can’t be that much lower or you could try UCSD :).</p>

<p>If you don’t think ur gonna be that motivated or ur gpa wont get u in, then you have to consider alternatives such as staying at ur UC or trying to transfer to the other UCs. I do know more ppl at UCR than UCSC complain about being at the school they’re at, and thats not very motivating environment to be at <.<.(K i don’t know anyone at UCSC complain about being there)</p>

<p>“K i don’t know anyone at UCSC [that] complains about being there”</p>

<p>Now you do. Nice to meet you :)</p>

<p>wait cali trumpet what can you tell me negative about ucsc?
what makes you complain about being there?</p>

<p>maybe he/she thought he/she could go better UC but didnt? :(?</p>

<p>yeah i haven’t heard much negative about ucsc, esp. in comparison to what ive heard about ucr. cali trumpet i am very interested in what you have to saay…</p>