<p>Alright aside from heat and diversity (jason09 and shibykin you guys made me think this thread got helllla answers), what can people tell me about UCSC’s Health Science? Jason09 emphasizes UCR’s superiority for premed over most other uc’s, but how much of a drop off is there in comparison to UCSC? I want a good education, but I’m afraid of picking that at UCR in sacrifice of enjoying the my overall college experience. I really do not want to be one of those people who end up not enjoying and being happy with the college they live at. </p>

<p>In other words, is UCR’s science that much more prestigious that I will not regret what may be a boring, hot town away from family and where I’ve spend my entire life (Norcal)?</p>

<p>In other words, is UCR’s science that much mollege experience. more prestigious that I will not regret what may be a boring, hot town away from family and where I’ve spend my entire life (Norcal)?"</p>

<p>depends how social you are. If you come here I highly recommed you join the CNAS First year program. You will meet a lot of ppl . trust me in no way will coming to “to this boring hot town” ruin your college experience</p>

<p>andn no coming to UCR will in no way affect ur total</p>

<p>I favor UCSC more than UCR. But overall it probably doesn’t matter which one you choose <.<. I’m just saying that if u go to UCR don’t be suprised if you see more people who complain about being in UCR(which itself is stupid for complaining)</p>

<p>UCR does have an appealing transfer program for pre-med called Thomas-Hailder(however you spell it) program where a selected few applicants can transfer to UCLA :slight_smile: so UCR itself isn’t bad for this :).</p>

<p>[CNAS</a> Freshman Scholars Program: CNAS Freshman Scholars Learning Communities](<a href=“http://cnasscholars.ucr.edu/]CNAS”>http://cnasscholars.ucr.edu/)</p>

<p>well ppl complain the first week until they see they are in deep ****. </p>

<p>and now you will be surprised how little ppl actually complain</p>

<p>Uhm, I dunno about this argument going on. I couldn’t care less about which University is more ‘diverse.’</p>

<p>The programs are good at Santa Cruz. The sciences are especially strong. It is not just a ‘humanities’ school, whatever that means. You will get a well rounded education. I have taken classes from every school here, and I can honestly say that every one of my professors have been solid. I don’t really think either school ‘wins’ in any collection of programs. Both schools have their pluses and minuses. </p>

<p>While we are on the topic of perceived prestige, UCSC is a bit more prestigious overall. It is ranked 71, while UCR is ranked 96. UCSC, with the exception of last year, has been solidly ranked the 7th best UC for the last eight years or so. But, I don’t think rankings matter.</p>

<p>As far as campus atmosphere and weather goes, UCSC’s campus and weather are both great. The school has consistently been ranked one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. It really has a great college atmosphere for those looking for something different. </p>

<p>IMO, there is not much of a difference between the two schools academically. They both have great professors, good facilities, and good programs. Pick the school that is the best fit once you visit both campuses.</p>

<p><em>Agrees with Cali Trumpet’s post</em> :), just go visit both UC and then decide -.-.</p>

<p>haha true just visit both</p>

<p>60 miles in 45 minutes ? are you flying there ? Sorry Jason2009 but all of your posts about UCR are incredibly biased. </p>

<p>@blacktofu - No. Do not pick UCR because it has a better program - It really deosn’t matter if you got into CAL, if you don’t fit in and you hate it there then I really doubt you would get good grades and get into med school. Go to the school where you feel your social life and academic life will be balanced. </p>

<p>check out both schools on c o l l e g e p r o w l e r . com there are some fairly revealing reviews (from students)…</p>

<p>“60 miles in 45 minutes ? are you flying there ? Sorry Jason2009 but all of your posts about UCR are incredibly biased.”
it less than an hour and no they are not bias( i might of f upped in the business one ,sue me) I am just saying the truth. None of you have actually studied here so you cant say if I am saying bs. I actually support him if s/he wants to ucsc.</p>

<p>yes they are, you are desperately trying to make UCR look better. Just look at the c o l l e g e p r o w l e r reviews. the two schools have very different reviews. If you like UCR that’s great - but don’t try to make it seem like something it’s not.</p>

<p>like what?</p>

<p>“UCR has a wayyyyyyy better pre med program and is more a science based campus than UCSC which is humanities.”</p>

<p>“UCR Science is far more prestige than UCSC.”</p>

<p>These statements are not true. NEITHER school has very prestigious programs (with the couple of exceptions). Sure, both schools have solid programs, but they are not well-known and pale in comparison to any of the other UCs (except Merced).</p>

<p>off the top of my head you were claiming cal and UCR calc is the same -.-</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/314860-latest-gourman-report-physics-biology.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/314860-latest-gourman-report-physics-biology.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>off the top of my head you were claiming cal and UCR calc is the same -</p>

<p>you learn the same material or am I wrong?</p>

<p>Ok <.<. This argument is going nowhere when we have a poster from UCSC and a poster from UCR. <.<. If you haven’t visited both, then all these posts means nothing -.-.</p>

<p>Simple way to choose :slight_smile: : Visit both UCs, see which campus you like better(look at the dorms also), ask the 2 campuses about their pre-med/w.e bio related major for Medical school and the oppurtunities with it such as: internships or out abroad study programs iono, then choose which one :D</p>

<p>Well, I am not on either ‘side.’ I am describing UCSC for what it is. </p>

<p>I am leaving this school. Therefore, I am not trying to make myself feel better about my decision to attend UCSC by posting to make the school out to be better than it is.</p>

<p>SC is the better choice… easily. Think of your job outlook with SC and Riverside. Also, any kind of transfer program is never guaranteed especially with all these budget cuts and increased competition</p>

<p>SC is the better choice… easily. Think of your job outlook with SC and Riverside. Also, any kind of transfer program is never guaranteed especially with all these budget cuts and increased competition"</p>

<p>its the same. Actually bit better in Riverside because its located in the 12th biggest metro are in the nation. It also depends on the major.</p>

<p>@Jason UCSC overall has always been more prestigious than UCR -.-. there’s always a chance that this guy may want to change major -.-</p>