<p>monday night i logged into my ucsc portal and saw that i got accepted and so, of course i immediately checked my ucsd’s. it said my app was pending. i told my friend decisions were out and she tried checking but she said her ucsd page wouldn’t load. she handed over her login info and it didn’t load the times i tried either. a few hours later, probably around 3AM, i tried logging into her’s again but this time it redirected me to a page that said something about their services not being available from a certain time to a certain time. the following morning, it finally allowed her to view her status and she was accepted. her decision came out with the first batch but she was just unable to access it… strange. i, on the other hand, am still obsessively checking :(</p>
<p>ernily: some services are only available 7AM-12PM</p>
<p>Oliver Twist: I was jokingly *<strong><em>ed at my friends who got their acceptances on the 13th. It was like… “</em></strong>” -__- But yes, I’m anxious to get my letter despite knowing they said “late” march</p>
<p>No, I live in Irvine and yes it was in high school</p>
<p>@ fenris: I totally feel you and was also kinda ****ed I didn’t get mine last week when everyone starting posting “Accepted!” in the UCSD decisions thread.
Is UCSD your first choice too? Irvine I hear is nice…haven’t heard too much about UCI other than its good science departments.</p>
<p>the general consensus for colleges you want to get into rank from first: muir, warren/marshall (both are equally good), sixth, revelle/erc</p>
<p>in terms of GEs, the last three don’t really matter seeing as how you’re gonna get owned no matter what while Muir/marshall/warren have little to no GEs. For Muir transfers, you need to take Muir 40 and 50 (unless you get exemption from 40). It’s required to to take 50</p>
<p>Oliver: i only applied to SD. Irvine is alright. I wouldn’t want to go there.</p>
<p>Why are we all checking tonight though? I’m just curious. Has there been word that UCSD is releasing more decisions tonight? Or is this just collective, random suspicion? lol.</p>