UCSD Acceptance

<p>@chris19890101: see my previous posts on the matter. Supposedly that’s a good sign that you will be accepted in the next batch.</p>

<p>@noodlesli: Yeah, I think the suspense is killing everyone. For me, as long as I find out before May, it’s okay, but for others I can’t imagine the protracted stress they are being put through by this. I really do hope that those folks who are vying for UCSD but don’t have the TAG safety net also have secondary, tertiary, and even quaternary options to fall back on.</p>

<p>My own life is pretty much on-hold until May 2nd (when we can start getting the housing process rolling). I really really really want to tell my landlord to go **** himself.</p>

<p>Also, I had two of the intervals backwards: It’s 20 days, then 12 days, then 15 days. It still comes up to be no real pattern though. </p>

<p>If the 20 day interval holds, then the next batch comes this Friday, 4/2 (20 days from 3/13). However, I haven’t dug into threads from 2008 or 2007 to see if this interval holds through those years also.</p>

<p>You guys are going to think I’m nuts after everything I said about transfer housing but I’m actually thinking of applying for it. I just have been thinking about meeting people on campus and how fun it’d be to be on campus all the time.</p>

The reason it’s such a good idea is because it is soooo much easier to make friends with people you live around compared to the people you meet in your class. I remember being in the dorms like living in a coed frat house with diversity.</p>

<p>Hmmm, I can’t log in to the site. Hopefully this means more decisions are coming soon?</p>

<p>^^someone tends to say that EVERYnight…</p>

<p>^ HAHAHAHA too true !</p>

<p>Yeah but I think a new batch really will come out some time this week. UCSD is way overdue…</p>

<p>^Srsly, man. This Friday. Mark my words.</p>

<p>That is, unless UCSD admissions reads CC and releases on Thursday just to make a liar out of me.</p>

<p>You know what’s funny, if we all ended up in the last batch (end of April, aka 1 month from now).</p>

<p>^Hahaha, I think that would be supah funny. It’d shoot my calculations and estimations all to hell too.</p>

<p>Does anyone have a link to the aventeur page?</p>

<p>please go back and look at the thread next time… cuz it takes time for me to find it too !!</p>

<p><a href=“https://aventeur.ucsd.edu/public/newparent/[/url]”>https://aventeur.ucsd.edu/public/newparent/&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>there u go :)</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>OMG I so hate waiting!!! I know I will probably in the last batch because I have international transcripts that have to be looked at as well and it takes more time, so it is nervewracking!</p>

<p>My aventeur site still logs on to my first choice, ERC, but now there are a ton more tabs and ****. I can even get to the section where it says, “register for an orientation session.” Unfortunately, the link precipitates an error message, and won’t let me further.</p>

<p>You guys, my friend’s mom’s cousin’s aunt works in admissions. Don’t worry she said a new batch will come out Friday. Don’t sweat it, she’s been doing this job for years. </p>

<p>Trust me. She’s good.</p>

<p>^ That’s an awfully spaced connection. Ha ha.</p>

<p>that kind of connection is not tenuous at all</p>

<p>mom’s cousin’s aunt = grandmother</p>