<p>Politricks- me too! UCSD has a great Anthro dept, better than UCSB BUT that whole MMW has me seriously thinking.</p>
<p>@Andjoo I would bet you got into Marshall.</p>
<p>JANE- YOU’RE anthro, too?! Shut up! That’s so funny! What’s your GPA?</p>
<p>Evan, i knew besides ur hotness there was something about u i liked. lol</p>
<p>umm my gpa is low 3.36… but i got into UCLA with a much lower one last year. it was really about my essays (im a good writer and i can opened up UCLAs heart), ec and work.</p>
<p>my housing app changed long long time ago
but i didnt get the results</p>
<p>LOL! So, I should be good then with a 3.7?</p>
<p>Evan you are golden, just as long as you have all anthro pre-reqs out of the way.</p>
<p>What exactly is MMW?</p>
<p>hellostranger57- MMW is a graduation requirement for ERC.
they are seminars and courses that pertain to our world. ERC wants its students to be Global Students or whatever, its their motto or something. here is the MMW overview:
[Making</a> of the Modern World](<a href=“http://roosevelt.ucsd.edu/academics/gen-ed/mmw.html]Making”>http://roosevelt.ucsd.edu/academics/gen-ed/mmw.html)
[url=<a href=“http://roosevelt.ucsd.edu/mmw/courses/index.html]Courses[/url”>MMW Course Offerings]Courses[/url</a>]</p>
<p>All three? Yeah, I’m good.</p>
<p>Oh, actually I think there is a fourth, but it’s not offered at my CC.</p>
<p>lol hahaha anthro pre-reqs. i took all the anthro classes my CC offers for the love of anthro but its sooooo cool to only need 3. </p>
<p>yeah i think Cal wanted a 4th pre-req, Anthro Linguistics, i hated that class cuz of my dinosaur prof.</p>
<p>Oh No! I don’t have that one done. or, wait, is that the fourth one that wasn’t offered at my CC? D:</p>
<p>hmmm i remember it was a pre-req for Fall 2009. they must have changed it or something. its okay for Fall 2010 Cal only wanted the 3.
[How</a> to Declare Major/Minor - Anthropology Department, UC Berkeley](<a href=“http://anthropology.berkeley.edu/programs/undergraduate/declare.php]How”>http://anthropology.berkeley.edu/programs/undergraduate/declare.php)</p>
<p>Phew! I am intrigued again by Berkeley. :/</p>
<p>for anthro the UC ranking goes Cal, UCLA, UCSD.
SD has an awesome field school in Israel with Dr. Levy who is a hottie so that deserves some points too. hahaha
but i am soooooo excited by what i saw at UCLAs anthro dept. they offer so many opportunities.
its gonna be a tough choice if i make it into all the schools.</p>
<p>You and I are in the same boat! Add me on Facebook!</p>
<p>If UCSD does not have a batch this weekend, they should issue an apology letter to all transfer applicants. This is getting out of hand.</p>
<p>Lol…I dont think they should send an apology letter. It clearly says they have till the end of April to let us know…they never told us to expect batches or anything.</p>
<p>Oh f*<em>k. I just checked the aventuer site (first time I’ve checked in about 2 days), and whereas before I was getting Warren (my 1st choice), now I’m getting Revelle (my… uh… *fifth</em> choice). Que sera, sera.</p>
<p>I used to get muir my first choice… now i got marshall… does that mean we’re in for sure? cause they set us up with our first choice in the begiinning now theyre putting us in the one were going to get officially…</p>