UCSD and UCLA Chances

White (Middle-Eastern)
Major: Computer Science and Engineering
Alternate Major: Business Economics
SAT (3 times):
1st time Composite: 1320 (630 Reading) (690 Math)
1st time Writing Score: 7/7/8
2nd time Composite: 1350 (610 Reading) (740 Math)
2nd time Writing: 8/7/8
3rd time Composite: 1380 (660 Reading) (720 Math)
3rd time Writing: 7/7/7
ACT (3 times): ****1st was highest
Composite: 31 (34 E, 30 M, 29 R, 29 S)

SAT Subject Tests:
Math Level II: 800
Biology M: 640

Unweighted: 3.92
Weighted: 4.34
Weighted and Capped UC GPA: 4.25
Only got B’s in both 9th and 10th grade
AP Scores:
05/2017 Biology 2
05/2017 Calculus AB 5
05/2017 Economics: Macroeconomics 5
05/2018 Physics C: Mechanics Not Rcvd
05/2018 Psychology Not Rcvd
05/2018 Statistics Not Rcvd
05/2018 U.S. Government and Politics Not Rcvd
05/2016 World History 3
IN MY SCHOOL, THEY LIMIT HOW MANY AP’S A STUDENT A CAN TAKE. Around 25 APs and 20 Honors in school

  • 3 Junior Year
  • 4 Senior Year


Volunteer & Community Service
YMCA Volunteer & Tutor: 9th/10th/11th/12th
Hospital Volunteer: 11th/12th
Boys & Girls Club Volunteer (Tutor kids in math and science): 9th/10th/11th

Awards & Honors
AP Scholar Award
Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.
Summa Cum Laude (All A’s Award)
Earn a 4.0 or greater GPA in a semester with no grade lower than an “A” in all subjects.
Received honors both semesters of 11th grade
National Honor Society Award
Elected to the National Honor Society Leadership Board. Member of the chapter of the National Honor Society.
Based on Scholarship, Leadership, and Character
Highest Honors
Given to students with a GPA of 4.0 or greater in a semester. Received honors both semesters of 9th and 10th
Scholar Athlete Award
*students participating in team sport while maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or above. Received award in 9th grade and
10th grade.

Extracurricular Activities
CSF Tutor & Officer
Promoted to CSF Officer. Honors outstanding academic achievement while promoting scholarship and citizenship.
Specialize in tutoring math, science, and Spanish: 10th/11th/12th grade
President of a club raising water awareness
a club who’s mission is to raise funds for impoverished areas in poor countries: 9th/12th grade
Admission Ambassador for school
****I welcome visitors to our school campus and assist in recruiting incoming freshmen: 12th grade
President/Founder of own STEM CLUB
Seek out professionals that major in the S.T.E.M field in order to help students narrow their choice of major:
12th grade
Track & Field Member
*Scholar Athlete both years. Junior Varsity Shot Put Member and Frosh Long-Distance Runner: 9th/10th

12th Grade Courses:

  1. AP Government
  2. AP Statistics
  3. AP Psychology
  4. AP Physics C: Mechanics (School doesn’t offer Electricity and Magnetism)
  5. Intro to Programming
  6. Religion
  7. English

CS is one of the most competitive majors at the UC’s so both schools will be tough admits. Your SAT is puts at the around the 50th percentile for both schools and your GPA is well within range. EC’s seem well rounded and having a leadership position is a plus.

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA (capped weighted) of 4.20 or above:
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%

UCSD looks more likely than UCLA but you are definitely qualified for both. Best of luck.