UCSD Chances

Hi, what do you think are my chances of getting into UCSD?

UC GPA: 4.05
W GPA: 4.00
UW GPA: 3.6

Race: Asia
Gender: Female
State: CA
Major: Psych

SAT: 1550
SAT II: BioM (760), Math 2 (780)

Volunteering (250 hrs)
VP of HOSA (9, 10)
Varsity Policy debate(9,10,11)
CSF (10,11)
NHS (11)
Violin (10 years)

Awards: National Merit Semifinalist (predicted)

All opinions, advice, and critiques are appreciated!

You look like a qualified applicant especially your excellent test scores but definitely not a guarantee. Make sure you apply widely and have some solid Match and safety schools on your list.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Best of Luck.

Thank you for the reply! Is there anything I could do to improve my chances? I really like SD and it is one of my top choices. Also would you consider it a match or a reach? Thank you so much!

I would say a Match-High Match. NMF will definitely help you and your test scores are excellent. Other than GPA, you I see no glaring deficiencies in your application. UCSD admits first into their school and then into your major. Make sure you have an alternate major in mind just in case.

I got waitlisted and here are my general stats-

4.18 GPA
33 ACT
Psychology major
Heavy ECs involvement

Basically luck :expressionless:

This year it seems as if they based it off other sources. Like, a kid I know has a 24 act and 3.6w GPA but she got in for undecided.