UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

No email or portal change for us either :thinking:


That means you are still on the waitlist. There is no new status update on the portal but read the text tho.

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i think the waitlist might have only closed for cs/engineering majors??

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@Gumbymom Is still being on the WL a sign that I could still get into UCSD even though they have started rejecting people? Or should I expect a rejection soon since they like to send all the rejections out when the pool has been closed?

Friendā€™s son for bioengineering waitlist got a rejection email today. Unfortunate. Looks like not a lot of people off waitlist for UCSD this year overall, at least as of now.


My daughter also got a rejection mail today. She applied for Bioengg.

Rejected and absolutely devastated. Applied as a political science major (history major alternative)

If UCSD is sending waitlist rejections, it means they may have reached their enrollment target and will probably be closing the waitlist. I have never seen the UCā€™s reject only certain applicants and keep others on an extended waitlist.

Edited: It seems that UCSDā€™s waitlist is being handled differently this year. No surprise that the UCā€™s have decided to change it up again. So they are sending denials to some applicants and leaving other applicants on more of an extended waitlist for any spots that open up. Hopefully there will be some resolution earlier than later. Best of luck to all that remain.


Has it ever been typical for the UCā€™s to close the waitlist this early?

There is no such thing as typical for the UCā€™s and their waitlists. Yes, it is a bit early but there is also no use keep students hanging if they have fulfilled their enrollment targets.


What do you think about the Berkeley waitlist? Thereā€™s barely any movement, they couldā€™ve just close the wl tbhā€¦

I also thought about that too, compared to Irvine I havenā€™t heard a wave since the end of April but their waitlist is still open. Iā€™m just a little confused by this process.

Any chance of Davis CS acceptances coming in? I mean Iā€™m not really expecting it since itā€™s already so late

I am a bit surprised with no movement with UCBā€™s waitlist but again this had been another unusual year. I am not willing to make any predictions but the longer UCB does not respond in regards to waitlist admits, the less chance they will take all but a few off in the end.

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This is surprisingly different from what we saw in previous years . My son is still in waitlist. May be they will eventually send out. All we can do is keep waiting!

Again, I am not willing to make any predictions. UCD has admitted some students which is a far more than last year so it is likely that they may have only very few spots left to offer from the waitlist. You have to remember not all students will post information on social media so it is very hard to gauge how many offers have been made originally.

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Iā€™m still on the waitlist so Iā€™m assuming they are rolling out rejections in waves.


They were able to release all the initial decisions all at once, so why not now? This is really prolonging my suffering lmao.

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Will they be releasing rejections in waves? And if so, why didnā€™t they release them all at once?

It might be in waves or just staggered throughout today. I know some friends that have yet to receive rejections from the waitlist, while I got notified about two hours ago.

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