UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

No rejection here, still on the waitlist.

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Same. Itā€™s like Squid Games out thereā€¦.


Does anyone think its possible there might be a few acceptances still?

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Not cool UCSD- not at all classy,


Ron Burgandy would be very disappointed in UCSD.

But no change here, yet.


sighā€¦ iā€™m still on the WL but seems like theres just gonna be waves of rejections from now on


My result is just like your daughter(but I am international). I now can only go to UCD. I know itā€™s a nice school but these waitlist results are still making me anxious.

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Me too

My guess is if both of your major selections are filled, they will reject you now rather than later. I would rather they do this instead of keeping students wait longer than needed. FYI, my son said 2 of his friends waiting for CS and Mechanical Engr are rejected today.(donā€™t know what their alt majors).

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ohh that could make sense! i applied as undeclared in the social sciences division, so maybe thats why im still on the WL? i also noticed that a lot of the ppl who got rejected today applied to either cs or engineering

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Rejected with first major Molecular and Cell Biology, alternate major Biochemistry. Both capped majors. :frowning:

My friend in Mech E and Biomedical Engineering both rejected today.

I am still on the waitlist for ECE:CE

this is what my portal looks like, for anybody whoā€™s curious

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WAIT WAIT WAIT guys I noticed a change in the portalā€¦ this section started showing up again, the Forms/Items Checklist/Upload Materials panels.

I remember that this disappeared about an hour prior to decision release on March 18th, you can scroll up on the main UCSD 2026 thread, and basically if you didnā€™t have the forms you didnā€™t get in.

I tested this out with a friend of mine who got in for CS, he had the forms section before admissions release, and I didnā€™t, and he got in and I got waitlisted.

After I got waitlisted, the forms/items checklist/upload materials panels stayed goneā€¦ until now.

They reappeared again in my portalā€¦

Can somebody who got rejected from the waitlist chime in with what they see?

Mine doesnā€™t have that, but it seems like your international right?

I am actually an in state US citizenā€¦ did you get rejected from the waitlist?

Im still on WL. Looks the same, hope this doesnā€™t mean Im rejected :frowning:

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It also might be because I never filled out any immigration formsā€¦

huh thatā€™s strangeā€¦ the forms definitely meant something for the regular admissions release so maybe they mean something now???

Edit: just checked in with my friend, the form section thing was very accurate in March

my forms/check-list thing has been in my portal the whole time, and still is

international applying to neurobiology and human biology. Still didnā€™t get a rejection. The form section is always there since the beginningā€¦ So weird.

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