UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Cool! My son is also waiting for the same. Hope you will accept the offer

Thanks, I hope your son and others waiting will get accepted!


I was accepted to Sixth College for Neurobiology.


Congratulations. Will you go to UCSD?

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Anyone got updates for engineering waitlist? It seems that most got rejected but Iā€™ve still got no updates

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My son was just accepted to physics (astrophysics) in Marshall. First choice major, but not first choice college which was Muir. Heā€™ll be declining. We live in SD and itā€™s too close to home for him. SIRā€™d to Berkeley. Hoping to get off Santa Cruzā€™s waitlist since itā€™s his top choice.


Anyone in engineering still on waitlist?

probably not very helpful but Iā€™m still on the waitlist for undeclared social sciences, i know 3 people that got off the waitlist for data science today.

Any news on public health or mathematics?

My daughter is also undeclared social sciences. Still on the waitlist.

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Yes, I declined my offer to UCSC and accepted UCSD.

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Maybe I havenā€™t been checking posts of late but I have been amazed at how gracious most parents and kids have been regarding their choices or their hopes to get into a UC as well as rooting for others to get in. I also appreciate when people post updates on their kidā€™s applications, like I did, because it helps everyone know what is going on. Hopefully with all these shreds of info, people can better get an idea of the whole WL process. Good luck to those still on the WL!


do you get an email or is it just updated on your portal?

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awesome, thanks for letting me know. soothes the nerves a bit :sweat_smile:

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marine bio major waitlist here (Scripps Institute). no loss of waitlist confirmation. last update was March 18th

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Daughter got off the waitlist today for her 1st choice major (Marine Bio), 3rd choice college (Roosevelt).
She has been accepted to: Vasaar College, UCI, UCSC, UCR, CSULB, CSU Fullerton; but still waitlisted by UCLA.
She already committed to UCI so she is a bit torn because UCSD was originally her 1st choice.
Her stats are: in-state; class rank 12 out of 540; GPA 3.914/4.5714; IB Scholar; 11 AP (5) and IB (6); officer at Key Club (4 years); NHS and few other service clubs; eco ambassador one summer in Belize; volunteer at Aquarium of the Pacific).


Are there any econ applicants? I didā€™t get any updates in my portal.

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congrats!! UCSD is pretty great!

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me! i havent gotten any updates since march 18th from any of my waitlists lmao

Still on the waitlist for undeclared social sciences :smiling_face_with_tear: