ucsd colleges vs majors

<p>i just got an email from ucsd saying they're gonna change me from Sixth College to Revelle. I guess that's a good thing right? since revelle has a nicer dorm and its more academic. But i'm thinking of majoring in international studies. does it matter if i go to revelle or another college in ucsd? say roosevelt?</p>

<p>i tried to change college but they didn't let me...they said i can change after one year...is that true?</p>

<p>The college you go to does not effect the major you want. I heard that it's true you can change colleges but I have also heard that the process to getting your college change is difficult.</p>

<p>hey, I got this email too. What should I do? My major is chemical engineering. I heard that warren is good for engineering. So should I go to warren? </p>

<p>Dear New UCSD Student: </p>

<p>Let us once again, extend a very warm welcome to you. We are delighted
that you have accepted our offer of admission to UCSD. Due to a higher
than projected return of positive responses to the offer of admission
to Sixth College, you were selected at random for participation in a
UCSD College reassignment effort. We are writing to assess your interest
in accepting reassignment to Warren College which was your first choice. </p>

<p>As you know, the small college environment is very important to the
successful matriculation of our undergraduate students. A small number of
students are being asked to consider a change in their current College
choice to ensure that the freshman class of each undergraduate college
is a similar size. Please use the following website to submit your
response by Monday, May 15, 2006. We plan to make all administrative
changes by this date. If you have questions or concerns regarding this
decision, you are encouraged to contact the Office of the Assistant Vice
Chancellor for Admissions and Enrollment Services at (858) 534-3156. </p>

<p><a href="http://admissions.ucsd.edu/altadmit/response.aspx%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://admissions.ucsd.edu/altadmit/response.aspx&lt;/a> </p>

<p>We look forward to welcoming you in the fall. We wish you the very best
as you begin your undergraduate experience at UCSD. </p>

<p>Mae W. Brown
Assistant Vice Chancellor
Admissions and Enrollment Services
University of California, San Diego</p>

<p>yea i got the same letter except they're transferring me to revelle.
if ur gonna major in engineering then i suggest u accept the transfer to warren cuz from what i've heard warren is better for engineering.</p>

<p>As Dusk stated, there's no connection between the 'College' and the major. Anyone in any college can pursue any major (assuming the major, such as Engineering, accepted them). Don't confuse 'College' with 'School' (as in 'School of Engineering'). It's true that Warren is physically closer to the engineering buildings though.</p>

<p>The important point to pay attention to concerning the 'Colleges' is the GE requirements. If you're an engineering major, the additional GE requirements of some of the colleges (such as Revelle vs. Muir or Warren) can make you end up taking more classe and therefore spending more time. Check out the GE requirements for each college on the UCSD website.</p>

<p>Also, after two years you'll live off-campus and the 'College' will cease to mean much to you anymore. The 'School' however, will remain important.</p>

<li>Warren rules.</li>

<p>I'm in Warren. 0=] </p>

<p>Therefore, you'll love it.</p>

<p>ok, I decided to switch to warren from sixth just cuz you are there, hobo. :)</p>

<p>thanks. =]</p>

<p>'switched from Sixth to Roosevelt.....stoked</p>

<p>welcome to revelle, you are one of us now. I have your soul now. Muahaha jk</p>

<p>Lol...........(10 CHARACTERS)</p>

Also, after two years you'll live off-campus and the 'College' will cease to mean much to you anymore. The 'School' however, will remain important.


<p>True, the college will have much much less influence on you, especially when you finish your GE's. However, a common complaint of students is that the college system makes the campus much less united; people continue to associate with their college over the school, even after they move off campus.</p>
