<p>okay so i just got into sixth college as a communication major (and might possibly minor in poli sci). but my bro was telling me that i should go to ERC instead because of its requirements.
the practicum and cat125 of Sixth sounds intense and unappealing.
which is better for a communication major? ERC or Sixth ? or which is better/easier in general?
im trying to finish uni as quickly and as painlessly as possible lol
any other communication sixth college majors in here?</p>
<p>Doesn’t really matter. Switching colleges is near impossible.</p>
<p>they require you find someone to swap with I think and my bro is in erc and wants to swap with me so was just wondering if it would be a good idea to even bother</p>
<p>hey! im a Communications major in 6th too :]</p>
<p>CAT isnt that bad or at least i dont think so, its much easier and shorter than
MMV of ERC…</p>
<p>well in the end it depends on what you plan to do with the comm. major.
for me im hoping to apply it to technology and business so 6th is perfect. but if ur looking for like international relations and communications sort of thing then ERC would be more of a fit. </p>
<p>either way i think you are fine. dont swap out and give it a chance… maybe ur bro just wishes he were in 6th to get easier ge requirements…just a thought?</p>
<p>hey we might have classes together and i hear comm class are one of the easiest :]</p>
<p>Generally sixth college’s GEs are considered to be MUCH easier than ERC’s. Stay in 6th.</p>
<p>haha oh yeh? neat! guess ill be seeing you there then!? as a transfer?
im taking cog20/21 in the summer to get them out the way so i can start with the upper division stuff asap.</p>
<p>i know people keep saying that sixth’s requirements are much easier ( i mean thats originally why it was my first choice) but it really doesn’t sound like that at all … i guess i shall find out soon enough.
and yes my bro is trying to convince me to swap but only because sixth requires less and hes double majoring and doesn’t have space for anymore classes if he is to graduate at the appropriate time.</p>
<p>any other transfer comm majors!?</p>
<p>haha nooo im going in the fall of 2009 as a freshmannnnn</p>
<p>well this is college so classes are suppose to be tough
muir is the easiest then 6th so i think you can handle it.</p>
<p>haha well yeh but if i can i ll try to get away with as much as possible hehe i don’t expect miracles but if i can somehow lighten my load and make its easier why not right? its still the best education just slightly easier hehe.
well the input was helpful, i guess i’ll have to wait and see.</p>
<p>You can’t “swap” colleges with someone else. You’re stuck with whatever college you’re assigned.</p>
<p>Besides… you want CAT over MMW. Trust me.</p>
<p>really? why so? have you done the requirements for Sixth? sounds intimidating, is it?</p>
<p>changing colleges is a very big pain in the a$% but it can be done. i mean if you have the time to pursue it it can be done, or so i’ve been told.</p>
<p>No, we’re only told it can be done. There haven’t really been any stories of it happening… Honestly, don’t do it. MMW sucks. A lot. And it’s twice as long as CAT.</p>