<p>Yes, I know there's a UCSD admit thread around here somewhere (rather several of them..)</p>
<p>but I specifically wanted to find out if any of you uc transfers out there were, like me, accepted to Eleanor Roosevelt College. Here are my stats:</p>
<p>CC: LA Pierce College
GPA: 3.4
Major: Lit/Writing
ECs: work, some volunteering @ local animal shelter</p>
<p>This was actually my 2nd choice college (I applied for Muir for my 1st choice). Funny thing, I applied last fall (unusual circumstances prevented me from attending last year, or else I'd already be at UCLA) and was accepted to Muir, but not this time, I guess. Anyway, look forward to seeing the posts...</p>
<p>didn't know what the f those 6 colleges were so I picked randomly to how cool the name of the colleges sounded. Thurgood last because he's black, jk I chose thurgood last because I remember there was a horrible cartoon that had a character by that name. The PJ's or something.</p>
<p>I honestly had no idea what all the six satellite colleges were all about so I chose randomly. I had like a 3.6 ish at the time of application with TAP certification with an non impacted major so I fully expected to get into UCLA anyways.</p>
<p>ERC admit here... It was like 5th on my list! but I guess they couldn't understand why I would go to any other college based on my background and major/focus.... so they just put me in there! I ranked it like dead last because of their mmw core requirement and extra requirements for transfers.</p>
<p>I guess I'm looking forward to it... people say it's a nice part of campus. But the housing looks like it's crap... not like they'll give any away to transfers.</p>
CC: De Anza College
Major: Management Science Economics
GPA: 3.78</p>
<p>Does anyone know if I have completed the IGETC am I only required to take the 3 MMW courses and the 2 Regional Specialization courses? Or am I also required to complete their Foreign Language Profiency (upto the 4th quarter)??? Which I have not taken, or does that only apply to those transfer students who have not completed a GE program?</p>
<p>It’s pretty irresponsible because every college has different academic requirements and facilities…the 2Rs for example (roosevelt, revelle) require you to take classes for GE even if you have completed IGETC…it’s not a trivial system like UCSC’s housing colleges lol…</p>
<p>lol aznboi i did the same thing and ranked them in random order.
3.946 gpa
econ major
(still waiting on ucla, but elc at ucsd is my last resort :|)</p>