Rate my UCLA/UCB chances?

<p>Hey, I've applied to UCSD, UCLA, and UCB. I've been accepted to UCSD already and am waiting on the other two. I was wondering about my chances at both of them.
Community college transfer.
Major: Business Economics (LA), Economics (Berk)
GPA: 3.946 (only 1 B, in a course not related to my major)
All prereqs completed by the end of spring term. (only had 1 prereq to take in spring, everything else was done before that)
Extracurrics: nothing really
Eagle Scout
1 yr work experience until i got laid off last semester.</p>

<p>why even ask? youre in</p>

<p>Hey Singularity… Exactly same stats as me… 1 B in history (don’t ask)… But ya… Good luck to you… hope we both get it! =)</p>

<p>Chances look really good. Yet you could’ve done something productive with the EC’s though.</p>

<p>“Rate my UCLA/UCB chances?”</p>

<p>i.e. stroke my ego, please?</p>

<p>Yeah seriously. I have a 3.88 and don’t wanna waste anyones time…so why bother with a 3.94? unless you openly declare that you are a nazi sympathizer in your essay, you are in.</p>

<p>Are you trying to show off or what?</p>

<p>I seriously thought I might not get in. The major I applied for is highly impacted. I was looking through previous years of applicants and saw people got rejected from my major with a 4.00. Seeing that I have no ec’s, I was concerned how much emphasis ucla and ucb would put towards school involvement over my gpa.</p>

<p>75.3+ %</p>

<p>Nobody here can really tell you what your chances are. All we know is that your GPA is high enough that you have a good chance. Best advice I can give you is to go to stat finder, enter your info, and look at the stats from 2007. Some people with high GPAs do get rejected, but we don’t know if you will be one of the unlucky few.</p>

<p>You major is Econ, so at UCLA in 2007 332 students who were UC eligible and had a 3.8-4.0 GPA applied to the UCLA social sciences division. 250 were accepted, which is 75.3%.</p>

<p>When I applied to the UCs Senior year (2 years ago) was when Cal/UCLA starting rejecting applicants without community service involvement and/or ECs. It was shocking because most of the people applied had a 3.9-4.0++…so I’m not sure. Those two are really looking for community involvement/ECs, besides the GPA. </p>

<p>Good luck! [:</p>

<p>sakurax, just from looking at those who got accepted to UCLA/Cal in previous years, ECs don’t seem to play THAT big of a part for people with high GPAs ( We’re talking about CCC transfer students ). The criteria for transfer students aren’t as crazy as those for HS seniors, the majority of admissions into UCLA/Cal out of HS are 3.8-4.0 unweighted GPAs. While UCLA says the avg of students admitted is around 3.5 for transfers, and 3.7 at Cal for transfers.</p>

<p>My friend had the exact same stats as you. He applied to UCLA UCSD and Cal. He got rejected by both LA n Cal. I think it’s because his essay wasn’t that great, he didn’t work much or have much EC under his belt. He’s at UCSD now.</p>

<p>You’ll get in if your essays were good enough.</p>

<p>I’m sure it’s because we ARE transfers that they will also be looking at ECs and community service. GPA isn’t all of it. I have a friend in UC Admissions (she worked for the past five years at UCLA and now she works at UCSD), and she lets me know…LOL. [: </p>

<p>But definitely with the essays. I hope you worked hard on them!^^</p>

<p>What would my chances be, then?</p>

<p>I have a 3.83 cumulative GPA, my essays were GREAT, and I was President of Amnesty International, Vice President of SACS, and Treasurer of InterClub Council for about 1-2 years . . . </p>

<p>Econ for Berkeley and UCLA</p>

<p>good chances… I know a fool whos a History major, has a 3.1-2 gpa, but doing TAP… if he makes it but you two dont, i consider that to be BS… He has a C in a prereq, and theres only 3-4 prereqs for History majors. i think the minimum gpa for TAP is way too low for many ccc’s</p>