On Monday I was recently admitted to UCSD off of the wait list, but I am not sure if it would be too much of a gamble for me to go to UCSD since it’s harder to change majors. I am a marine biology major that wants to switch into chemical engineering or a physical science.
If you want to switch to a physical science (like physics or chemistry), then switching majors is no problem. Only the engineering majors are impacted, so it would only be a problem if you wanted to switch to chemical engineering. So really it depends on how confident you are that you want to do engineering.
ooh so if I were to want to switch my major to biochemistry, would I have to wait until school starts?
I don’t know when they allow incoming freshmen access to changing their majors, but if you want to change it to any non-impacted major (like biochemistry), then you can do it on Tritonlink online. It takes a couple of seconds, and you can do it whenever you want. After school starts is fine.
Thank you!