<p>^I visited UCSD a couple weeks ago... I think it is the ultimate place to relax in. Right across campus is a very relaxing ocean-view with a very quiet and large beach. Beautiful scenery in La Jolla.</p>
<p>Wow I guess I was wrong.. I see some science majors have already heard about their admission.</p>
<p>Math, no word yet.</p>
<p>What was your gpa?</p>
<p>EE major here. I haven't heard a thing yet. I guess we'll find out within the next 9 days.</p>
<p>2.94 for me.</p>
<p>I might just consider UCSD if I don't get into UCLA.</p>
<p>ee_stu: What's ur GPA?</p>
<p>Citan, you asked me that in my thread and never came back. I'm the guy that wants to haul my home gym with me to San Diego. :)</p>
<p>I attend 2 different colleges and have 3.89 at De Anza College and 4.0 at Foothills College.</p>
<p>Where else did you apply to? I'm weighing UCLA and UCSD, but UCLA won't take IGETC which I will complete. But either way, I'll still be lower division after I transfer since both universities have lower division prerequisites that aren't offered at my local colleges. Which sucks, considering that I didn't start college until I was 20 and am in my 3rd college year now.</p>
<p>I applied to all the UCs except SC, R and M</p>
<p>I don't think I will go to UCSD even if I was accepted because of the housing thing...UCLA I might....if I get in. UCB I know I will get rejected....my GPA is 3.78</p>
<p>I will probably end up going to UCI at the end because I live in Irvine, and save up money for graduate school.</p>
<p>A good handful of you guys should hear from UCSD tomorrow morning.</p>
<p>You're lucky to live in Irvine, UCI is rather good. I live in San Jose and the closest university is San Jose State.</p>
<p>kevin, how do you know it's tomorrow?</p>
<p>because UCSD usually releases decisions on Saturdays. The majority of the UCSD decisions on this board came last Saturday...so tomorrow....and I hope that they will release all of them tomorrow, because next weekend is supposed to be UCLA and then the tuesday after the next (May 1st) Berkeley will come out...</p>
<p>Wow, looks like we're the last straws. They must not want us?</p>
<p>Poli Sci major
got in last saturday.</p>
<p>You should most likely be getting some news tomorrow.</p>
<p>good luck everyone :)</p>
<p>ee_stu: I don't think the Engineering department has released a lot of decisions....the majority of the acceptees seem to be humanities or science.</p>
<p>remember EE is an impacted major at UCSD....</p>