<p>hai im thinking of appying to these schools. what are some good programs these schools have for sciences/math/etc./for those wanting to become a doctor? </p>
<p>also what are these schools known for? thanks</p>
<p>hai im thinking of appying to these schools. what are some good programs these schools have for sciences/math/etc./for those wanting to become a doctor? </p>
<p>also what are these schools known for? thanks</p>
<p>Like the UCSD medical scholars program? It’s with Caltech.</p>
<p>i think ucsb has a good science program</p>
<p>um, UCB is kinda known for everything, I’ve heard that Business and Engineering are awesome =)</p>
<p>UCSB = awesome party school; adjacent to the beach
UCSD = not much of a party reputation; adjacent to the beach
UCB = not much of a party reputation; drugs aplenty; crappy location</p>
<p>In terms of girl quality, the list is probably best to worst. In terms of academic quality, the list is probably worst to best.</p>
<p>look for the best fit.</p>
<p>I’d say</p>
<p>UCB-UCSD (toss-up)</p>
<p>why not UCLA?</p>