UCSD vs. Berkeley (Computer Science)

<p>Is Berkeley really that much better then UCSD in computer science? If so, how come?</p>

<p>And also how about UCLAs computer science vs San Diegos</p>

<p>At the undergraduate level, they’re all fairly equal.</p>

<p>From what I saw at Admit Day today I agree with Oyama, I talked to around 11 current CSE students with Internships at Google, Apple and Microsoft this summer, I also saw labs and the CSE buildings, they are new and really really nice you actually get people turning down schools like MIT to go to UCSD, the good thing about Comp Sci at UCSD is that unlike UC Berkeley people help each other out, at Cal everyone hates each other</p>



<p>I wouldn’t put a hasty generalization like that. I have quite a few friends who went to Cal for their undergrad in CS and they said it was fine and that people would just study in smaller groups as the years went on.</p>