UDel and Pitt Nursing, are there any current students or parents here?

D20 was accepted!! She hasn’t heard from anywhere else yet, but even when she does these are among top contenders. During the college search process, she was so nervous about getting in she couldn’t really focus on other details. So we are starting over in gathering information and will have to re-visit her final choices. We’ll probably be doing this all the way to May LOL.

Any info about these particular schools/programs would be appreciated, and feel free to PM me if it’s too boring/detailed/specific for the board. Aside from the nursing programs themselves, which we did investigate, she is most interested in knowing about the universities as a whole. How much are nursing students sequestered vs mixing with the rest of the student body? Do you like the LLC’s? How does academic advising work? How is class size, are students overly competitive or are they collaborative? How has it worked out for you or your student, meeting other people? How many classes have non-nursing students? She really wants a full college experience including extra-curriculars and electives. She won’t place out of much, so we assume she will be on the usual curriculum track as posted on their websites.

I think these boards scared us last year. She’s doing fine! Probably applied to too many out of fear she wouldn’t get in anywhere. When this is all over in the spring, I will write a summary to help the next generation of applicants.

Thank you.

We’ve had good luck obtaining such information directly from current nursing students at other schools by asking the admissions rep or nursing school advisor to put us in touch.

OK, thanks! I think I need to find a few parents…

My daughter is a freshman nursing student at University of Delaware (UD) and so far, she loves it. She has made great friends and made Dean’s List with a 3.8 in her tough classes.

She likes the school in general, and has liked her professors and classes. No problems getting into classes she needs. No craziness at registration time. She walks to class, or takes the school buses when needed. She is participating in various campus organizations and just joined a sorority. Loves that Main Street with stores and restaurants is easily accessible. Great mall 15 minutes away.

Re the LLC: It has been great for her to be living with all the other nursing students and she loves being able to walk to classes and study with them. Because it’s direct admit, they aren’t all competing with each other, so they are kind and helpful. But there are NOT a bunch of special activities and such that we were expecting. The extent of the LLC just seems to be that they put all the nursing students together.

Only downfall is that the school is a little short on housing and making freshmen have three to a room designed to only hold two. But the dorms are fairly new and nice.

Also, I should say that while UD’s overall acceptance rate is in the 60% range, we were told that it’s in the 40s% range for OOS.

And we were told at a UD nursing event that the overall nursing acceptance rate is only in the low 20s% range.

@vamom4 Thanks!
After all this time these are still D20’s two finalists. We just got back from visiting both in the last 2 weeks. Still can’t decide. There are pros and cons both ways. My head is spinning a little. I can only imagine how D20 feels.
Can I ask what made your D pick Delaware?

She got into numerous direct-admit programs.

-Crossed off Tennessee because no nursing classes until junior year.
-Crossed off Drexel because she didn’t want an urban campus or coop.
-Crossed off Case Western because it was small and though they gave her a scholarship, it would still cost about $60k more for the same BSN.
-Crossed up Penn State because it seemed that they messed up their admissions process last year (see all the notes on last year’s thread) and by the time they got to her app, all they could offer her was Altoona. Regardless, wasn’t thrilled about spending a year in Harrisburg anyway.

  • Pitt wanted her on a sports team at a satellite campus, and she wasn’t interested in doing college sports. Their urban main campus was not her favorite anyway.

UD seemed like the best fit for her.

Pitt and UD have very different campuses, so perhaps thinking about what campus type she may prefer would help your daughter decide.