UGA Honors and Foundation Fellows- different teacher recs?

<p>I am applying to UGA Honors and the Foundation Fellows Scholarship. Since both require teacher recommendation, does that mean I have to submit 2 recs from different teachers to each program? Or if I send it one will it also go to the other? Thanks!</p>

<p>I would imagine you can use the same recommendations for each application, but you’ll have to send it with each application separately</p>

<p>The Foundation Fellows app should serve as your UGA Honors application, unless they’ve changed something very very recently. Check the fine print.</p>

<p>Check out the honors website, but I’ve cut and pasted a snippet from there. Last year you had to apply to both programs individually as well. Last year students were advised to wait until late December to see if they were auto-admits for Honors before submitting the Honors application.</p>

<p>The teacher recommendations are submitted on-line. You could ask the same teacher for recommendations, but it will have to be sumitted twice. The teacher must be from your junior or senior year and from an academic class, not AP Art or orchestra for example.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>The Foundation Fellowship/Ramsey application is due November 15. </p>

<p>“If you apply for the Foundation Fellowship and Bernard Ramsey Honors Scholarship, you will still need to complete the Honors Program application. All Honors Program applications are to be postmarked no later than February 1.”</p>