<p>Hey guys ho do you guys think I stand as far as getting it these schools?
My stats
3.72 GPA
1930 SAT
30 ACT
As far as my ECs go, I have done varsity swim the past 2 years (I should be captain next year too), I am in NHS, friends club, the president of my schools mountain bike club, and am one of two youth members on the GA fly fishing team.
Attending the USAFA's summer seminar program
I do quite a bit of volunteer work.
6 AP's</p>
<p>If any of you guys have recommendations for me try to work it would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>You seems to be on track perfectly fine. I would see no reason for those schools to turn down your application with the credentials you provided above. Just make sure you are staying on track and provide a strong application. Those schools don’t seem to be reach schools. If you are seeking prestige, applying to University of Texas (maybe even Rice) would be more appropriate. Best of luck.</p>
<p>Are you in-state for either?</p>
<p>TAMU typically evaluates students on their M&V scores. What is the combined score for these two? </p>
<p>Also, what is your HS percentile rank?</p>
<p>I live in Georgia. I am ranked 50/560 in my class. My math and verbal combo is a 1260, but I’m awaiting may SAT results. Debater1996 I’ll chance you in a minute. Also do you guys know if colleges look more at transcripts or gpa? I have made a few 88’s and was wondering if they don’t see that as being too bad.</p>
<p>Colleges will ultimately look both at grades in a course, as well as the rigor of it. So to answer your question, they look at both GPA and transcript. </p>
<p>Say that someone has a 4.0, but took all regular classes. It would look far better to have a 3.6 in Honors and AP, because those classes are more rigorous, and look better. They will see 88’s, and if they are in hard classes, it will be understandable (especially in the non-ultra competitive schools).</p>