<p>On the Oct 25th one. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but anyways, she just wanted a high reading score. So during science, she held up her test & went back to reading for most of the time given for science. Of course, that means she prob didn't do well on science but she most likely got the reading score that qualified her for whatever scholarship or something she wanted</p>
<p>And she's like, "I don't think it's really CHEATING. And my philosophy is you should do well, and even if you do get caught 'cheating' the worst that could happen is that you get your score cancelled. I'd rather take the chance instead of wasting the test & my purpose of taking it"</p>
<p>And here I was, racing through the reading, not being able to finish. I just feel like, it's very unfair. But I guess it's not my place to do anything & be an annoying person about it =/</p>
<p>Spending an extra ten minutes will add maybe 2 points to her reading score. 5 at most.
Spending an extra ten minutes NOT doing her science section will cost her a LOT of points, 5 at least. Maybe her reading will be higher, but it will hurt her composite. Just trust me, the math is not in her favor.</p>
<p>IMO, it's cheating. There are rules for a reason. If she doesn't like them, she should choose a different way to get into college.</p>
<p>And as much as I would like to agree with some of these people, I personally think that cheaters do prosper at times. While I work hard for the A’s on my papers, the person next to me does it in class for 5 minutes and ends up with an A too. That’s not really cheating, but it’s sort of alike. </p>
<p>I’m just saying she could have still, perhaps done well, because I don’t know, is science her strongest section?</p>
<p>But some of you are just mean…why are you guys picking on the poster? She did nothing wrong. Sometimes people on CC really bother me… SOME have an air of arrogance and really, truly just don’t care to put themselves in other peoples’ shoes.</p>
<p>Nice ethics lesson:
If she’s really a ‘friend’ -> ignore cheating.
then we can deduce that
If we catch a stranger cheating -> it’s something to worry about?</p>
<p>It is cheating. If she was caught she would be screwed right now. Some schools superscore and I’m sure she was looking for an advantage to improve her reading score. Clever move but just wrong.</p>
<p>OP, your friend likely disclosed what she did to you to use you as a heat sink for her guilt. She knows, as do the rest of us, that what she did was cheating. Plain and simple.</p>
<p>Who knows, maybe your friend has the talent and “ethics” to become a politician someday.</p>
<p>The Reading curve has been very harsh almost as harsh as the science sometimes. I believe it may have even been a harsher curve this time.</p>
<p>I didn’t get to finish the science, scored a 28 in September (had 20 minutes to spare), and I literally just quickly glanced at the last 7 questions and took my best guess. I came back with a 30.</p>
<p>The Science had to have had a nice curve. I thought it was the hardest science I’ve ever taken. Maybe I just guessed lucky…</p>
<p>BUT ANYWAY, back on topic.</p>
<p>Maybe it won’t hurt her. If she’s not good at science, yet is at reading, she has a greater percentage of getting anything right. I don’t really care. People cheat. Life goes on.</p>