
<p>Phew! Applications were sent off this past weekend; the madness has officially ended!</p>

<p>I thought, now it's time to sit around, twiddling my thumbs until the decision comes out...
until I found out that ED applicants are required to submit their FIRST QUARTER grades by Dec. 1.
"Oh, ****!"</p>

<p>My first quarter grades aren't strong. Although the grade report hasn't been sent out yet, I know for sure that I am failing calculus. It's not because I'm slacking off (I'm full IB Diploma), I'm just really not a math person. (Although I did change that class to credit/noncredit so it wont ultimately be factored into my GPA)
Up until this semester, I had a decent GPA (4.47 UW, 3.75 W)</p>

<p>I'm assuming that the adcoms take first quarter grades into consideration when determining an applicant's acceptance (otherwise why would they require it by Dec 1, when decisions are released Dec. 15?).</p>

<p>Goodbye... Wellesley? :(</p>

<p>Am I overreacting, or is it plausible that this might result in a rejection letter come December...?</p>

<p>I think it really depends how much you slacked off. If you went from straight As to all Cs and Bs then Wellesley might get suspicious. But if only 1 or 2 of your classes have slightly lower marks then it should be fine, I’d think.</p>

<p>I’m in a similar situation. I just sent in my ED application except my school just doesn’t have quarter grades PERIOD. I called to ask and they said they’d have to see some kind of progress report so I have no idea how that’s going to work out. Even if we did have quarter grades, my marks have definitely slipped since last year. Ahhhh.</p>

<p>I would just let go, and shove it out of your mind. There is nothing you can do but wait, and in the mean time all the “what ifs” are going to drive you insane. If possible, I would submit a letter explaining your situation and that you are going to sincerely try hard to pull it up, but other than that I would just chill.</p>

<p>Good luck! I know that the waiting is the hardest part…I applied ED to a school and was DEFERRED, which made me even more insane. I feel your pain! Just keep yourself busy!</p>

<p>I don’t really know what will happen, since I’m just a prospective student (RD) also, but I do know this: when I was at some other colleges, they talked about how they do reserve the right to dismiss a candidate with low grades, BUT they also said how it was something that the entire admissions staff discusses. At one school I went to (another 7 Sisters school), they had a girl who was failing calculus, and apparently several people on the adcom thought they should keep her in their incoming class because she was trying to persevere and get through her struggles with the subject. </p>

<p>Hope that helps! Good luck!</p>

<p>OMG!! Are you sure??? I applyed ED also! and my grades are terrible now!! But i just googled “Wellesley College Early Decision First Quater Report Card Dec. 1”… and there is only the results for the EE students that they must submit the 1st quater grade to Wellesley by Jan 1… dmsdud, i hope that you are mistaking… I would be so dead if Wellesley do want the grades by dec. 1…</p>

<p>If the Admission Office needs 1st quarter grades from you and you or the school hasn’t sent them, I’m sure the office will call your school to request them. If you’re concerned about your grades, I don’t think it would hurt to call the office and ask to speak to a counselor. They’re very nice people.</p>

<p>haha, thanks EVERYONE for your advice/encouragement. i’m just going to let it go, not let it eat away at me. all i can do is try my hardest to bring up my grades and hope for the best and anticipate the worst.</p>

<p>wzlylover: i’m pretty sure; it was in a pamphlet thing the college itself sent me. but dont take my word for it, call the college yourself. i should probably call the college myself also, although it’s hard for me because i live on the west coast and by the time i’m out of school the admissions office is closed. bah.</p>