Uhg! I hate the Swethearts Dance.

<p>So, my schools sweethearts dance is coming up. It's girl ask guy. I'm fine with that. It's just that the guy I want to ask is picky and only does larger group dates (family reasons), and none of my friends are willing to go. </p>

<p>Uhg. I'm so mad. </p>

<p>Sorry, rant over.</p>

<p>that sucks .</p>

<p>Maybe you should ask more than one person and go with like five different guys. You’d become really popular and then it would be like a big group date and that kid would come with you. I think that will solve your problems. It’s weird that you call it a "sweethearts’ dance. Isn’t it sadies hawkins?</p>

<p>^ We have several sadies hawkins like dances so they each have their own names here.</p>

<p>As for the several different guys, I’m not sure that would work so well…
I kind of like his guy and I want to actually go on a date with him, not five different guys at once. :)</p>

<p>Oh. Your school does it differently than mine. We try to get as many people as possible. It’s like a competition. ONe girl asked thirty seven guys last year. The other girls were mad that they couldn’t go with anyone.</p>

<p>Offer your friends money…</p>


<p>That’s hillarious. I wish we did it like that.
Here, you ask them to the dance and that includes a date before hand with a group of friends that also has dates. You pay for your date. Everyone else pays for theirs. (Whoever asked pays.) You then, after the all day thing, break apart to get ready for like two/three hours and get back together for the dance.</p>

<p>Just for clarity - does he object to individual dates, or is it that his parents object and he grudgingly complies?</p>

<p>After the initial asking part we:</p>

<p>We get ready and usually we treat it like a winter masquerade ball. Then…
Think of something crazy to do before that no one before has thought of in previous years (sometimes we repeat).
Underclassmen arrive early and the upperclassmen know to arrive later. We then have a rave of sorts.</p>

<p>No, he willingly complies.
It’s more or less a thing that happens in the area I live, and I’d be totally fine with it, except I know little of his friends and none of mine can go due to plans on the same day/they don’t want to/parents won’t let them/etc.</p>

<p>Maybe you could sneak him out. It would be very exciting.</p>

<p>Ha. Nah. It’s not worth it. He would never go with it. Oh well. I’ll find someone else. </p>

<p>He seems really uptight, but he’s really not that bad. He’s one of those people that you have to know to get it.</p>

<p>So finding a group to “go with” wouldn’t work? He wouldn’t be fine with a touch of deception?</p>

<p>Nope. Has to be friends. Sucks.
Oh well. Next dance maybe.</p>

<p>Your resignation is depressing. Ennui is a *****.</p>

<p>yeah fund another guy for this dance…</p>

<p>I’m still plotting, but haven’t come up with something yet.</p>

<p>I’m hoping for an eiphany.I’ll ask around at the basketball game tonight.</p>

<p>Hmm…I could think of many many ways you could get him to go. You could entice him with a shiny new Book of Mormon. Tell him you will stop stalking him. Threaten to blackmail him with his spider man underpants. </p>

<p>There are many ways my friend ‘musicallylatin’…
many ways.</p>

<p>^ Ok, (A) No stalking. We already know that. I “stalk” a kid I call Pringle. (We decided this fourth period in the band room today, (B) How do you know he has Spiderman underpants? Do you two have a secret to share with the world? OR are you the stalker? (C) The double entendre behind the “entice him with a shiny new Book of Mormon” is actually kind of funny/ironic if you think about it… Ok, never mind. It’s probably not that funny, and I might be the only one to get the joke.</p>

<p>Yes. He and I are having an affair.</p>