UIC GPPA Class of 2025

The most up to date page on GPPA says decisions should be out before or on March 15. An older page says on or before April 1 but I’m hoping it’s March 15 :sweat_smile: In previous years its been late February to mid March


And Oh does it? I haven’t even seen that is it on their blackboard sit or just on their regular uic page?

I just looked it up and it was on like the general GPPA page so I’m imagine it’s applicable to the medicine one too.

Found it here: Application Guide | Guaranteed Professional Program Admissions (GPPA) | University of Illinois Chicago

I actually didn’t get interviewed by Dr. Chambers or his wife. My interview was only 30-minutes (they had a time limit). It was only 15 minutes of questions and 15 minutes of me asking questions but I hope it doesn’t hurt that they had a time limit. Best of luck to you guys!

Mine was an hour, I wasn’t given a limit which is good cause I’m a bit of a motor mouth :grimacing: but I don’t imagine a time limit is a bad thing. Also yeah now there are more people I can chat with in the running :confetti_ball:

Thank you. I’m so glad I found someone else in the running! Apparently I reached the limit of replies yesterday?

Oh same mine was about an hour as well. Also very glad there wasn’t a time limit since I tend to talk a lot too :skull:

Oh yeah it does that your first week on CC idk why :joy:

I just like want to know but at the same time I don’t. Like cause I don’t want to wait anymore but like a rejection would suck :sweat_smile:

That’s exactly where I’m at right now. I kind of want to live in the bliss of not knowing, but only because of the possibility of rejection. I obviously would love to know ASAP, but only if it was positive :sob::sob::skull:

Exactly! I mean if I don’t get in it’s not the end of the world, I very well know that, but it is something I’ve put a lot of work into. It would be a nice sort of validation.

What do y’all plan on majoring in?

Psych, I would like to go into psychiatry, but also interested in neuroscience.

I actually am currently under Disabilities and Human Development but with GPPA I can’t go to the School of Applied Health Sciences so I’m looking into Biology, Psychology, or Neuroscience. Pretty interested in psychology, especially the research :heart: Would love to do some psychological research.

Ahhh same!!! It seems so so interesting.

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I was able to do research last year on how someone’s personality type influences the efficacy of a placebo treatment for them. It was super interesting

Like actual research? That’s so cool how?

It was for AP Research so I had to conduct my own research study and write a 5,000 word research paper. It was really fun actually, a lot of people kinda dreaded the class but I loved it. I ended up getting a 5 for the paper. It wasn’t with a university or anything fancy but it was a pretty full fledge research study :sweat_smile:

Just curious, did y’all apply test optional? I didn’t submit my score (cause it was bad, I really didn’t have the opportunity for much preparation), do you think test optional holds any weight?