UIC GPPA Class of 2025

Yeah another person! This thread is growing and I love it. Also yeah that’s what I figured but the optimist in me wanted February :joy:. How did your interview go?

honestly, all of the questions were really unexpected? i tried to make it conversational, and i don’t really know how that went… i tried to read her at the end, but i couldn’t really tell what she thought of me haha, ig we’ll just have to wait and see?

Yeah I felt the same way, I had Dr.Chambers and he was super nice, and I think the interview went well but I couldn’t tell, we talked for an hour but I think that’s also on the account that I just talk a lot :joy:

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Yeah, I felt the same way about my interview! She was really nice, but again, it’s hard to tell what they think of you :slight_smile:

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I was interviewed by Dr. Chambers on January 19th. Was kind of intimidated by him!!! So many deep probing questions that I felt put off by. Did you guys have this experience with him?

BTW, is this also your guys’s top choice?

Haha yeah he asked me a lot of personal questions that I didn’t quite know how to answer, which was kinda intimidating :sweat_smile: definitely felt unprepared.

I’ve applied to a couple top 20 I like but I’m really banking on GPPA, it’s definitely one of my favorite programs and it’s also one of the few affordable ones for my family currently :sweat_smile: but no I think it’s a really great program and would love to be accepted.

Has anyone received financial aid offers yet?

I haven’t yet!

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Okay me either, just curious cause they said end of February beginning of May offers should come out :woman_shrugging:

Okay, this may just be me being a worry wart as the decision date nears, but do y’all think I’m unlikely to be accepted since I’m currently part of the school of Applied Health Sciences, which you can’t be apart of to be in GPPA Medicine? During the interview Dr.Chambers asked if I’d be okay with changing and I said totally, but I haven’t changed schools yet. Do y’all think this is a problem :cold_sweat: Should I call the UIC and ask about changing schools?

You are probably fine since Dr. Chambers already asked you during the interview. Besides, calling them now is unlikely to make any difference because they most likely made the decisions already and are just going through some paperwork or administrative stuff right now.

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True, I just hope me applying to the wrong school isn’t what gets me rejected :sweat_smile: cause frankly I didn’t know you had to be in LAS. But yeah you’re right nothing I can do now :woman_shrugging:

Tomorrow may be the day we find out :neutral_face: don’t know if I love or hate that idea, but regardless good luck to all of y’all and if you don’t make it GPPA I’m sure you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be :grin:


Yes, good luck to everyone!!

Yes good luck everyone!!!

What time do y’all imagine it’ll come out, if it does at all, today?

I have no idea, but maybe sometime around 11:30-12. Someone did email them and found out it was today right?

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Yeah I believe so, but I don’t want to get my hopes too high :sweat_smile: