UIC GPPA Class of 2025

Yeah pls let me know if any of u guys hear back.

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Yeah haven’t heard yet, I didn’t ask about when decisions would come out, it slipped my mind so frankly I have no clue :sweat_smile:

Same! :skull::skull:

I was hoping decisions would come out today since interviews seemed to finish the around the same time this year as last year. My interview was January 26, not sure when the last interviews were maybe they were a lot later :woman_shrugging:

Yeah idk about everyone else but mine was the 26th too.

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When was yours?

Time or? Because it was the 26th

Oh I read it wrong I thought you said yours wasn’t the 26th :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile:

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Hahah No worries

Just curious, has anyone called to ask when GPPA decisions will be out? I know people sometimes call so just wondering :grin:

I have not called because my interviewer gave me a general idea. If you do decide to call please let us know what you hear :upside_down_face:. This waiting game is very interesting haha!!

Haha ikr, I may call if nothing comes by the end of this week just to get a better idea, cause my parents are getting anxious to know :joy: they ask me like hourly for updates and I have none.

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I’m honestly just so anxious for these results. Can one of you call them to find out when decisions are coming out??

Oh yeah another person! :tada::tada: I may call after this week but it isn’t even March yet, so I don’t wanna bug em too much cause it’s a weird year so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are running behind schedule. Last year results came out 2-24 so hopefully we’ll get news soon.

Right my parents keep asking and like I don’t have anything to tell them :sob::sob:

Yeah they’re like “so anything new, you gotten anything yet” and I’m like “nope same old same old don’t know what to tell you” :joy:

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I emailed GPPA, they said March 1st.


Oh really? Thanks for the update really appreciate it, also not sure if now knowing makes more stressed or less :joy: I wish you luck in getting accepted though :grin:

Oh also who interviewed you and what day? We’ve kinda just started tracking that I guess :sweat_smile:

hi! i got interviewed by Dr. Amiri on January 25, she basically said not to panic if we didn’t hear back by the end of February!