UIC GPPA Class of 2026

Has anyone received a scholarship from the honors college?

My son got in GPPA medicine. I have lot of questions. Do most students make it to the end: matriculate into medical school? Is it hard to achieve the requirements and maintain good standing in the program? Do you live on campus with roommates in GPPA programs? Is there a way I can reach you personally for more questions? Thank you so much!

Do most students make it to the end: matriculate into medical school?
As far as I know, every student who wants to matriculate to medical school matriculates. 80% matriculate to UIC and 20% go to another medical school. There have been students who havenā€™t gone on to medical school but they chose to not go on to medical school. If your son was accepted into the program then it is likely he will do just fine.

Is it hard to achieve the requirements and maintain good standing in the program?
Again, as far as I know, everyone who wants to go to medical school goes. You can find the previous years contracts, and probably this years too by looking up UIC GPPA med contract. I am currently a freshman so I cannot fully speak as to how easy the requirements are to achieve myself but it doesnā€™t seem like many struggle too much. He essentially needs to meet the requirements any pre-med needs to meet to be competitive.

Do you live on campus with roommates in GPPA programs?
I do but you do not have to. I have two roommates who are in the program who live with me at JST currently, but other students commute from home or live off campus with others. There is no specific housing requirement for GPPA so itā€™s up to you.

Is there a way I can reach you personally for more questions?
You can just DM me on here. I will respond as soon as I can.

yes $5000 from the UIC honors college. I think thats a standard award

When did you find out about it? I am out of state.

about 3 weeks ago. Are you out of state and attending GPPA Med? If so more power to you. THought was only open to instate.

I am doing GPPA Public Health (MPH). GPPA med and dentistry are only for instate.

@jawacat. I am curious what lead u to deciding to choose uic gppa med and if you believe you made the right choice. I got in and Iā€™m strongly considering it so I just wanted to get some insight from a current student.

There were a lot of factors leading to my decision to choose UIC. One was I had only heard good things about the program, I had planned on applying to GPPA since the end of my sophomore year in high school, so it was something I had done my fair share of personal research on. My other reasons were that UIC is in states and not far from home and itā€™s affordable for my family. Also, it is a fantastic BSMD program unlike any other because of the programs core curriculum that focuses on what it means to be a doctor and the social contracts role in medicine.
To answer the second part of your question, yes I am glad I chose UIC. I am only finishing up my first year but I have been very happy in the program. Everyone in the program is incredibly smart and supportive and I have been happy with my professors at UIC.


Thank you very much! If you know any one in the program needing a roommate please let me know:) my email is chunlingg@hotmail.com


Do you recommend claiming credits with AP exams or taking placement tests to receive credits? Do most students finish undergraduate in 3 or 4 years?

hey, i donā€™t mean to insert myself into this convo but where did you find out that you got the scholarship? iā€™m in-state but i checked my financial aid portal and i didnā€™t get any merit aid thus far :smiling_face_with_tear:

I think there was an e-mail that came through that had the scholarship.

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I am using AP credit and itā€™s incredibly helpful, very few people forfeit their AP credits, but if they do itā€™s usually to retake gen chem instead of going straight to organic chem. There are still placement test you have to take, whether you have AP credit or not UIC requires you to take the placement test for math, chem, and a language to my understanding. Also about half graduate in 3 and the other half in 4. Those who graduate in three usually take a gap year though.

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Thank you, thatā€™s very helpful!

Hi! I got a gppa med interview for class of 2027 and was wondering for anyone who has been interviewed in the past what kind of questions they ask? the only thing iā€™ve seen is tell me about yourself and why med. im super nervous and want to be more prepared. Please help! thank you!

Do you know the name of the lady and what her email address is that interviews students with Dr. Chambers?

guys Iā€™m so nervous, when is it coming out

Has anyone gotten anything from GPPA? It was supposed to come out today but I havenā€™t gotten anything so far

Hey did you end up getting into the program? What were your stats and extra curriculars?