UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

Generally agree, just responding to the question about whether Gies is good.

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Gies business school had an acceptance rate of 44.06%, CS 15%. that big difference ?

That 44.06% was 2016. Just look at this board, I have the feeling it’s much less now. The issue is the the common app. Kids apply to more and more schools. The average number of schools that my children and their friends applied are 15. And this year, UIUC adopt to common app too.

Son - Accepted
2nd Choice - Materials Engineering (1st choice was Mech E)
4.0 uw, 4.22 w
5 APs 3 Honors (4’s and 5’s on AP exams)

Acceptances from Purdue, RPI, WPI, Drexel, ASU Barrett Honors, waiting on UC schools, Cal Poly SLO, Lehigh and Wash U.


One got in UIUC business but rejected by UT Austin, another one is rejected by UIUC CS but got in UT Austin CS…all depends on luck :grinning:


Could anyone please explain what is CS + X major? any difference from the real CS major in engineering school?

This should answer your question.

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Thanks, It seems CS + X is less competitive than CS.

accepted psychology international test-optional

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How did you already get your Wash U decision? ED II?

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Congrats! DS also accepted in Bioengineering. OOS. Also got into UT Austin Biomedical and Purdue FYE. Would welcome any input to help decide - especially UT versus UIUc :pray:


I’m curious if you are also ORM?

Yup. Does UIUC CS also do AA?

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When and how do we find out about honors?

Of course it does, just like everywhere else, there has to be proper balance and diversity. Your son has super impressive stats, he should have many good options to choose from.

Son - Accepted
1st Choice - Systems Engineering and Design
In State
1320 SAT
33 ACT
3.8 uw, 4.1 w
1 PLTW, 1 Dual Credit, 10 Honors, 6 APs (3’s on exams)
4 years Foreign Language
7 years School Band
14 years Private Piano and Music Producing
Attended tour and Q&A Engineering session in Champaign-Urbana

Also accepted at U of I at Chicago for Undeclared Engineering - also toured and attended Q&A Engineering session in Chitown

Son wants to stay in Illinois to be close to family


DS22 accepted into Grainger 1st choice!! :partying_face::tada:
OOS / 1560 SAT / 3.98 UW / 5.4 W / NMF

Congrats to all who got in today!! :confetti_ball:


Did they offer a waitlist for the second major, or an admit for General Studies?

It will come out in March
