UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

And just for comparison, we know someone who worked at Stanford and they told us if you get into IL chemistry, go there. As of now, it’s not my daughters first choice, but because of the money, we are really pushing for it.

Thanks. That was really helpful. Are you in Illinois also?

Yes, we are ! In the city. The chemistry department is supposed to be top notch. We just visited today. I will say, I definitely like the location and the drive a lot more than the other school so far. I was shocked that my kid liked it a lot more than they thought they would. I still don’t think it’s their top choice, but that’s for different reasons. However, they could definitely still end up going there. Going to two east coast schools next week, and then the decisions will be made. I hope! Is this a top
Choice for yours ?

Just comparing career outcomes, they look nearly identical. $66k @ UIUC and $70k at UT. Ranking wise, UIUC is 12 and UT is 16. In essence, its a wash.

I would go to the school which gives you the best flexibility and the least expense. All things equal, I would go to UT because its far better weather and there are tons of things to do in and around Austin.

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If you are considering UT Austin please make sure you’re comfortable with the safety of students on campus

I have no skin in this game but can you elaborate so it may be beneficial for the OP.

I have gotten a couple of mixed reviews here but how is the econometrics program at UIUC? Any knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Comparing between here at UW madison for now. Am international so cost is similar at both places

I think people can research the situation and find much better information than I could ever provide on the topic. Not really into telling people how to feel And people can visit and make their own decisions. Back to the Illini.

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How is the CS+Linguistics program? DS got in and like this combination - any pros/cons? We are OOS

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Sorry for the delay. My daughters stats: In-state, a top public school, UW: 3.9, W:4.51, test optional, decent ECs including 2 research based internships, 1 paid job. You have great stats, I’m surprised you got denied!!!

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CS+X programs are all good, no different from CS in CoE. CS + stats gat a but of edge over others but is minimal. Recruiters do not differentiate them from other CS. As long as you can pass the coding challenge and do well in interview is what counts.

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Quick question…

My son was accepted into Grainger. He has digned up for SITE. Do you think he should also attending the Admitted first year info session? Or will it be covered during SITE?

I think he will get all of his questions answered at SITE. Since they are doing it on Mar 24 & 25, and there is an admitted students day on March 25, I wonder if they’ll be combining day two with the admitted students days for the student panels and tours. That would make sense. Anyways, I attached the SITE agenda just in case you might need it, as I found it super helpful. https://site.ec.illinois.edu/


Thanks for the reply. It seems like they would cover the same. Thank you very much for the link. It is helpful. Thanks

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Any insight on Purdue BME and UIUC Bioengineering? Which one will be the best choice if we won’t compare with the cost / FYE?

Although it is far from the only metric, according to US News bioengineering at UIUC is ranked #12 and BME at Purdue is ranked #23. I know there are many other (and arguably more important) factors to consider, but I don’t have much more familiarity with the programs.

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Of course, not a problem :grinning:. I hope your son enjoys SITE!

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If UIUC is direct admit for BME, I give them the edge. BME is the one major at Purdue that even meeting the EAI to transition to major, there isn’t a guarantee of getting accepted to the major.


Any idea when financial info will come out?


We were wondering the same thing. We heard of someone who said they already received a small scholarship. Is that possible ?