UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

Yes. Notified yesterday.

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Would have said “anyone else” if I had.


Of course, my bad.

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Congrats, that is very exciting! What is your major within engineering?

Just teasing ya — all good.

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Did your student get invited to interview for Gies Scholar? One of my kids is a Gies scholar and I believe interviewed in January or February - can’t remember the timeline exactly. Of course, this was when there was an EA acceptance date of mid December- seems like things have changed. The # of Gies scholars is very small- maybe 40 kids per class.

We just found out my son was selected into Grainger Engineering James Scholar Honors program



No interview but did get a Gies Business Scholarship.

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I did not receive an email about financial aid or scholarships (accepted for aerospace at Grainger). Does this mean I did not receive any financial aid or scholarships?

On an Admitted Engineering Students webinar last night they said that scholarships/aid/scholars notifications will be going out through the end of the month.

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DD just got her FA letter. It basically recognized a need for $x, but she is not getting any.

It also listed $0.00 for grants/scholarships. With that UIUC is off the table.

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Did anyone get James scholar info for Gies yet?

Are you in state?

I called FA office today about this and they said it does not mean no scholarship- they said info is still coming and that scholarships will be awarded between now and 4/1


S22 received their FA letter today. In state student.
$0 for grants/scholarships. Just offered loans.

He was also accepted into the honors program and offered a very generous merit scholarship by ERAU in Daytona Beach. It will be less expensive to attend this private university for aerospace engineering than to attend UIUC. Decisions… Decisions… 1200 miles is a long way from home :slight_smile:

Also waiting on decisions from a couple of other schools.


Congrats! I’m going into biochemistry too but I don’t think I got into the honors program. I’ll probably try to apply to it later on as I’d like to be in it.

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Are there chances to declare cs+chem in sophomore when I was admitted to chemistry


Is there a chance? Probably.

Is it a very slim chance? Absolutely.

No, OOS.