UIUC - EA applicants Class of 2025

when some are redirecting to NotEligible and some to AcceptDecline it makes me think it might mean something

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I agree with this. To be clear: this doesn’t necessarily mean anything. But if there is a difference in the codebase causing the redirect (and not just different browsers being weird), then there would be reason to believe this is an indicator of a result.

If anyone has the redirect and knows how to navigate the chrome inspector, feel free to dm me so we can go through it without stressing everyone out.

Are you kidding? I have 4 kids and have been through this 4x! But when you sit and post things that are inaccurate you just make other people anxious for no reason. In about 6 hours you’ll know.

Also, if I really wanted to I could check into all of this code nonsense because as an in state my son will be accepted to DGS worse case scenario. But I know how it works so I’m not interested and I’m not going to do that to other people and look for source code or anything else. 4pm people! Go to school!

lol, we as parent precisely know neurotic behavior, have been there few times, hence have to pullback the crowd from slippery slope.

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Guys let’s not escalate this any further.

From what I’ve seen here:

  1. People are getting different redirects but it doesn’t certify anything
  2. Saying it certifies something is inaccurate, but pointing out it could be an indicator is not inaccurate
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Too late it seems!! Lmao

I give an exercise to be solved for hopeful CSs. Do shift+F5 and found the code for redirect, you can replace some string and see the potential result.
Deadline to solve this 3 PM CST.
Trophy: You will indeed participate in hackathon.

Alternatively (this is on mac but windows commands should be similar)

On the checklist page:
Shift+CMD+I - Opens Inspector
Follow the instructions on this StackOverflow post to open the search bar

Type “AcceptDecline” and send a screenshot of the result if anything shows up (mine returns nothing and doesn’t redirect)

If folks who were NOT getting the NotEligible previously , can they try again and see if they are still stuck on the AcceptDecline link WITHOUT the Non Eligible message. If they are still stuck that means there COULD be something. If they too ARE getting the Non Eligible then probably a bug is resolved.

Is this truly the case? Does that mean in-state kids don’t get rejected out right if they are willing to do DGS? I’m assuming only if they have the stats for at least DGS? Mine do, so this is making me more calm. Waiting for two results is torture!

Same for me, Nothing found for AcceptDecline after opening Inspector

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No in state kids do and will get rejected! My kid is at the top of his class so in our case it’s pretty much a given but he’s not going there for DGS, which is the default.

We know plenty of lower level kids that have been rejected in the past. But almost everyone from our high school is accepted.

@MelRose1975 If you look at past Naviance results you’ll get an idea. If your kiddos are higher you’re in good shape. We get about 125 apps and maybe 6 rejections in a normal year. Assuming there will be more rejections this year you would still need to be at the lower end to get rejected.

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no need to flex or anything (ratio)

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not me here crying in class since im so nervous. (zoom with camera off, ofc, im no drama queen) Best wishes to everyone and go Illini!

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Are you referring to DGS? They don’t care about that. Many kids will get offered PREP and take it with no guarantees. Many won’t but that’s why they have the waitlist and can move in it any time they want and quickly. Many people are willing to take the risk with a DGS to transfer into the majors they want and if they can’t then they just go with some other major and suck it up.

Are you sure that UIUC has no hacks?
Asking coz you said that you have been through the process before as well.
And best of luck to your child!

This is my 4th time through it and they’ve never had a back before and it’s always been the same process. Sometimes the decision is out 15 mins early but that’s about it.

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what time exactly will they release the result?

They said 4:00 PM, and I’m assuming it’s 4 CST, which is 5:00 PM EST.