UIUC response

<p>How many of you are still waiting to hear from UIUC? I am LAS majoring in actuarial sciences and no word yet. Hopefully soon. Thanks.</p>


<p>When was your application completed?</p>

<p>Bull, when did you apply to UIUC?</p>

<p>I applied on September 22nd. I have seen many classmates get their acceptance with lesser grades and ACT than I have. However, none of the others were in actuarial sciences. My counselor has contacted UIUCseveral times, but no news at this time. Starting to feel like I will be heading to Purdue or Iowa, despite UIUC being my first choice. I do live in northern Illinois, so it would also be in state. </p>

<p>Pretty frustrated I guess.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply.</p>


<p>I heard that UIUC has a quick turnaround time, especially if you applyed early.</p>

<p>Not for me. 29 ACT and a 3.98 GPA. MAny AP's and good extracurriculars.</p>

<p>Hm...that's strange. I applied to LAS with a 29 ACT and 3.8 GPA, and was accepted the day after they received my transcript...and less than two weeks after they received my application.</p>


<p>Hi Rodlo:</p>

<p>What are you majoring in?</p>
