<p>UK schools that offer international relations?</p>
<p>Two million dollars?</p>
<p>Now this took me about 20 seconds:
[UCAS</a> course search](<a href=“http://search.ucas.com/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/QXoZsGoB9tuZDorYunWhAzKtV5Hfw-UZFU/HAHTpage/search.HsKeywordSearch.whereNext?query=363&word=INTERNATIONAL]UCAS”>http://search.ucas.com/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/QXoZsGoB9tuZDorYunWhAzKtV5Hfw-UZFU/HAHTpage/search.HsKeywordSearch.whereNext?query=363&word=INTERNATIONAL)</p>
<p>read International Relations / Politics / Affairs … you could also look for War Studies and similar courses.</p>
<p>Next time at least try finding the answer yourself…</p>
<p>heaven forbid i go to a help forum to actually seek help.</p>
<p>you’re forbade</p>
<p>check out regent’s college london, you can get a liberal arts ed and earn a degree that works in the US and UK. also my psy professor taught there over the summer and he told me they had a bar in the basement where he got to drink with his students haha</p>
<p>^ Regent’s College London is a very poor university and a colossal waste of money. If you want to study in London full time but want a lib arts education then you should know that King’s College London and University College London are both developing a liberal arts programme for launch in 2012.</p>
<p>I’m not even sure if a Regent’s degree is recognised in the UK.</p>
<p>If you want to study liberal arts don’t go to London. Really, it’s a waste of time. The England system emphasizes specialty. Personally, I like it that way. Not everybody is attracted to it. If you are dying to go abroad for uni and want liberal arts go to scotland. 3-4 very good unis there.</p>
<p>What a terrible suggestion to recommend Regent’s. If your goal is to come back to the states and only want to study in London (much more to the UK than London, but whatever) then look in to UCL, LSE, King’s, SOAS, and don’t go bellow QM.</p>
<p>I think LSE is the best for Humanities subjects in London.</p>
<p>LSE doesn’t offer humanities subjects, it’s a specialist social sciences college.</p>
<p>International Relations and Internationals Relations and History are both courses offered at LSE. Not sure why humanities was brought up in the thread but whatever.</p>
<p>I go to SOAS for my MA. Our Area Studies programs are superb in general (although I’m doing Migration/Diaspora specifically) if you want to do that aspect of international relations.</p>
<p>St Andrews does, I think</p>
<p>you might as well check for other places outside London as its stupidly expensive in London. Plus i am sure other places offer what you want</p>