UM Application help

<p>sry i think i posted in wrong spot</p>

<p>UMich-Ann Arbor LSA Application help
Hi, im new to these forums and i just wanted to have of an idea of what i should expect in my application. I have alot of questions</p>

<p>I have a 3.86 weighted GPA, 18th in Class of about 500 (3.71 UM grading scale) with grueling schedule i mean i have taken every AP class available often 3 in one year and all honors classes. If you would like to take a look at my schedule i can send u a copy. but i did get a 24 on my ACT (should i send it in for early admissions? but i am retaking my ACT in October and the earliest i can get it in is NOV. 12 and the deadline for EA is NOV 1? hopefully u catch my drift what should i do?</p>

<p>i am involved in lots of activites:</p>

French Club (9)
German Club (10,11,12)
Chemistry Club (11,12)
JSA (10,11)
Student Council (9,10,11)
Play Crew(9,10)
NHS (11,12)
Link Crew (12)
Study Caf</p>

<p>Your GPA is low and your ACT score is also low. If you're in-state, I'd say a reach. If you're OOS, I'd say high reach. You will most likely not get in EA or even RD.
Have you tried taking the SAT? Try getting a 1900 if you're in-state and a 2000+ if you're OOS. For the ACT, I think you'd need to bring that score up at least five points to have a better shot (33%) at getting in.</p>

<p>i have seen some facts on Umich and my GPA is in the middle 50% and i am from instate.</p>

<p>but anyone have answers to my other questions</p>


<p>ur telling me that a person with a 29 and a 3.71 gpa from instate wont get in? im almost sure if i had those scores i would a guarantee</p>

<p>......with your act scores its low at best</p>

<p>no....Uofmichigan although a state school is not a piece of cake. if your Weighted is 3.8 it's OK, not good. With your GPA, if you get your ACT up to a 29, I'd say you will have a descent shot. But Your admission would not be a gaurantee at all. If you want to be sure, get you ACT up to 32+ I'm applying also and I'm OOS by the way GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>Oh and dude I finished all my essays and crap for Uof Michigan. Trust me, it's going to eat you alive</p>

<p>ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am applying too, I just organized all the **** to give my teacher, like the forms and such for all my schools right now. My only reservation about Michigan is that it is pretty damn pricey for an OOS, but I also haven't visited it yet. How are the supplements?</p>

<p>3 essays + 1 more for me for preferred admission. IT ****in sucked.....haha but then I'm using those essays for other of luck bro</p>

<p>I don't think you have a great chance. To be honest, your competition has the same/better EC list than you, except they have a higher GPA and almost surely over 30 on ACT. Bro.</p>

you don't know what the **** your talking about (pardon my language moderators) University of Michigan is on a Rolling Admission, ED or EA doesn't exist for Umich or MSU.</p>

<p>fuzzy, i think he was referring the Early Response</p>

<p>In that case i sincerely apologize, no hard feelings eh? =] and Um admissions vary according to schools. LSA average Gpa is around a 3.6, Engineering 3.8. etc. etc. A 24 is kinda low. 28 should do the trick. As of right now, I believe OOS is easier to get into cause UM needs MONEY because our goddamn congressional representatives (who have ivy degrees btw) and who don't know a single thing about our economy is trying to overhaul it. A financial model thats been around for 60 odd years and proven over and over again to be effective.. STUPID ...ehh people.......... Sorry for that little spiel...No more hijacking, i promise =]</p>

<p>ah so should i apply to early admissions with my 24 then when i get my new ACT score send that in? or should i just wait and retake it submit after EA.</p>

<p>i know with a 26-30 i have a very high chance, im in state and alot of ppl with 26's get in from my school with alot less ECs and lower GPA</p>

<p>the things is...even if your act is low, if you send in for Early Response, theyll probably defer you into the Regular Admission. Then, you can send in your new-and hopefully improved-scores too. Comprende?</p>

<p>thank u ever much</p>