UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>I live two hours from Miami and it wasnt in my mail today :(</p>

<p>What is the singer/stamps invite? Is that the full scholarship thing?</p>

<p>I got it too! Which weekend did you guys get invited to?</p>

<p>March 2/3!</p>

<p>Does this mean we automatically receive the 3/4s ride, even if we don’t end up getting the scholarship??</p>

<p>Also…is it pretty safe to assume we’re accepted or…? I wouldn’t want to start telling people I got in only to get a rejection in the mail next week haha</p>

<p>Considering there are people who get accepted with no scholarship money, I think we’re good!</p>

<p>What about the 3/4s thing? So happy for everyone!! Congrats!</p>

<p>I just emailed them to ask.</p>

<p>Okay here’s the deal. When we get our acceptance packets, there will be a formal invitation AND the regular scholarship you’d be offered (University etc.). When we go interview for Singer/Stamps, we’re interviewing for the opportunity to replace what we’ve been offered. So we’ll get another offer when we get the official acceptance.</p>

<p>Congrats lovetodive - If you are invited to the March 2-3 weekend, then you are a Singer and Stamps candidate.<br>
And to others, yes, if you have recieved a Singer invitation, then you are definitely accepted for admission and (last year at least), you have been awarded the $24k University scholarship.
I still belive within the next hour or two you’ll get an official “You’ve been accepted” email for the general UM acceptance. Then, next Mon-Tues-Wed you’ll get your large packet from the post office with suitable-for-framing copies of the accpetance letter and merit scholarship awards.

<p>Got my Singer/Stamps invite email!! This is so exciting! Who knows, maybe I’ll be a 'Cane next year!</p>

<p>musicalme - the “3/4 thing” is what people in the past have referred to the $24k scholarship. It got that name when it actually used to cover 3/4ths of the tuition. It has not kept up with inflation however and now only covers about 60% of the ~40k tuition. That doesn’t count room, board, fees, books, etc, etc…</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone! Still don’t understand what that singer/stamps thing is. I didn’t apply for any scholarships though.</p>

<p>Mango, you don’t need to apply separately at UM - you are automatically considered for merit scholarships just by applying to the university. Did you get a singer/stamps email?</p>

<p>If we don’t get singer invites does that mean were not in? Or what</p>

<p>Nope no email. No surprise though because with my stats they wouldn’t have offered me a merit scholarship. I just hope this doesn’t mean I was rejected?</p>

<p>You’ll get notified about 1 of the 3 possibilities - I’m still guessing today…good luck!</p>

<p>I think it just means you aren’t a candidate for that scholarship, not that you didn’t get in the school- we should know that soon!</p>

<p>When should we check myum? And where will we find it</p>

<p>isabella57 - you will get a separate email telling you about accpetance - the Singer/Stamps invitations are a separate piece of the puzzle. Good luck to you!</p>