<p>Just wanted to see who all applied EA and who else is excited to get our decisions next month! Where's everybody from, why do you like UM, what do you want to study?</p>
<p>So excited & nervous! I’m from Oklahoma. I love UM because I want to major in marine biology and I love the campus feel. Also, one of my favorite places on earth is the Caribbean, and the Miami climate & ocean reminds me so much of that. I love the diving there too, and the fact that scuba is so readily available there. Like I said, wanting to major in marine bio, with a minor in French, maybe even a double minor with psychology too. Go Canes! 3 more weeks…</p>
<p>Last year some people started hearing back in mid-January so keep a look out for decisions!
I live in Florida…about 45 min from UM. </p>
<p>My sister goes there and both my parents went there so i’ve been raised as a hurricane!
I plan to major in Chemistry and to be pre-med.</p>
<p>I’m also extremely excited for my decision I’m from maryland, looking to do the marine science program (my name kinda gave that one away). Miami has between my dream school since sophomore year, their program is so amazing and the location is perfect! If the january 28 decision date that I’ve been hearing from former applicants holds true for this year, it’s only 2 weeks away! I’m so exited, I hope these next coupe of weeks go by quickly. Midterms and nfl playoffs should help with that, haha
<p>Sent from my myTouch<em>4G</em>Slide using CC App</p>
<p>Hey! I’m from PA and plan to major in bio and to be pre-med. Also minor in Spanish. What better place than Miami? UM is my dream school. These next couple of weeks are going to be so nerve-racking! I wish everyone the best of luck!!</p>
<p>I’m applying Early Action, and the suspense is killing me. I going to major in architectural engineering, but I’m currently trying to apply to the program that allows you to double major in architectural engineering and architecture. I’m from Florida and fell in love with the campus when I visited. I love the diversity and the city of Miami. I also like UM’s opportunities for study abroad. I could go on and on about what I love about UM. Hopefully, we will get our admissions decisions earlier than expected.</p>
<p>I’m from Florida too. Miami was the third school I visited after Georgetown and the University of Florida and although GU is in a league of its own, Miami definitely has a special touch to it. For me, it’s the perfect balance of campus size (physical and student body), nice nature-y touch to it, and modern, nice facilities. Not to mention, my dad has been a very outward canes fan since before I could talk. :p</p>
<p>I intend to major in Computer Science (BS), probably the cryptography and security track.</p>
<p>You have no idea how anxious I am to hear back! I love UMiami and love Florida. I’m from New York but I lived in Boca when I was younger; me going to Miami is an incentive for my parents to move back haha. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!</p>
<p>Major: Double Major Biology/ Ecosystem Science and Policy Pre-med track</p>
<p>I have like literally been counting down since I finished sending in my requirements for admission. I am excited that the date is so close yet I feel as if though it is taking forever to get here. I live in North Miami about 30-45 minutes from UM. I will be a psych major in pre-med. I am hoping and praying that my friends at my school and all of you on cc get in. Best of Luck :)</p>
<p>UM isn’t extremely high on my list (either 3rd or 4th choice but my top 2 are quite a bit ahead of the rest) but I’m still pumped to get my decision in February!</p>
<p>I’ll be majoring in Audio Engineering if I attend.</p>
<p>I’m so nervous! I’m from New Jersey…partially one of the reasons why I love UM! I hate the cold weather and cannot wait for (hopefully) nonstop sunshine! I plan on studying Journalism (and since you have to double major for the communications school, I’ll probably do that with Spanish). UM isn’t my number one, but if I get in, that might change when I come down to visit. I really hope I get in because I think I’d do well there :)</p>
<p>Hey future Canes! I’m Crystal, from Fort Pierce, FL!! UM is my #1! I plan to double major in Exercise Physiology and Spanish Pre-Med. UM has my major, and has a phenomenal pre-med program, plus I love Dade County, ha. Best of luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Don’t forget to post on here if you receive a decision! It would be nice to know when they start coming out…</p>
<p>does anyone have any idea when decisions come out? it says “early february” on the website but that’s not very specific…</p>
<p>Feb 1st is the set date, but from what I’ve heard it could be online a few days before that. Hopefully they’ll do it significantly earlier like with early decision, that came out a week early.</p>
<p>Hey!! I am from Orlando, Florida! I can’t wait to get the decision!! UM is my number 1!! I hope to major in bio and to be pre-med and minor in Spanish.</p>
<p>does anyone know if they’ll look at senior first semester grades before making decisions? my grades dont come out until january 25th</p>
<p>It’ll probably be done by then, I’ve had friends do EA at other schools who specifically asked to see their first semester grades because they were on the edge of getting in. If you get deferred it may be because they want to see first semester grades. I don’t think they look at them for regular EA though.</p>
<p>ok thanks! good luck to everyone! i’m hoping decisions come out earlier than feb 1st.
i’m from tampa, fl and wanting to major in bio and pre-med track.</p>
<p>Has anyone else applied for the George Jenkins Scholarship? If so does anyone know if the notification that you got the scholarship come along with the rest of the admissions decision and financial aid package on Feb 1st or will it be way later?</p>