UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>Wheks123 mines not either. I’m getting really aggravated.</p>

I don’t wanna wait until next Monday!!!
I think all the admission office people went home</p>

<p>Would they not post them all tonight? I can’t imagine them doing that but maybe they are.</p>

<p>honestly I’m a bit incensed right now. I’ve been waiting patiently for 3 months, its a full week later than last year, and they can’t even notify us all in the same night? If they thought this would happen they could at least do it during the week so we don’t have to wait 3 more days to find out.</p>

<p>I don’t think they work until this time of Friday…</p>

<p>In their defense, they have been advertising “early Feb” and by mid-February. Straight from admissions. It could just be a technical problem that some people haven’t received theirs. I’m sure they aren’t trying to irritate anyone and keep in mind just how many applications they’re dealing with.</p>

<p>yayy accepted :)</p>

<p>I think they just didn’t want the system to crash by releasing everyone’s at the same time, so they release them in batches? Or maybe they give you you’re decision depending on how early you turned your app in, cause I did mines reaaaally early. But then again who knows, it could all be random. Just hang in there guys!</p>

<p>lovetodive/ I think this all because they are too lazy. Almost 99% other colleges notify early action decision by December 15th.</p>

<p>It’s not laziness in this case. They’re one of a very few universities that offer both early action AND early decision. Notice that they notify every two months? ED in December, EA in February, RD in April. That’s why there’s the later date of notification. I promise you no admissions team in the country is lazy. Can you imagine trying to pore over more than 10,000 college apps, essays, transcripts, and letters in only a few months?</p>

<p>And before I got my decision, I was ****ed at admissions. Then I realized how much work they had to do and that they never actually gave us a specific date to expect things by. They’re still meeting expectations. Isn’t it early February? It’s not mid-Feb yet either.</p>

<p>I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I was just trying to help.</p>

<p>I’m sorry that was uncalled for.</p>

<p>Don’t apologize lovetodive I agree with you.</p>

<p>It’s alright, rereading my posts I can see how I could have come off as sounding rude. Problem with the internet :slight_smile: Having been in your same position just a few hours ago, I know how fried your nerves and stress and everything is right now and I wish you luck! Just keep in mind that before you know it this will be behind you and you’ll know what the decision is, and you won’t even be able to believe that you were ever waiting like this. Good luck :)</p>

<p>You didn’t offend anyone! I think we’re all just really aggravated that so many people found out an we were all expecting them to be fair and send them all out today. It’s upsetting when so many people can get excited and some people still have to wait even longer.</p>

<p>Look, I understand where you’re coming from love to dive, but we’re at two separate steps right now. You’ve already got what you wanted, while we’re still trapped in purgatory waiting for our decisions. Its a lot easier for you to be say we should be patient when it refers to our futures rather than yours. If you saw other people getting decisions and you had to wait for it on a friday night it would’t be so easy for you either. I’m happy you got in, and understand you mean well, but its not really your place right now. And they did mismanage it, certain schools like uva have way more applicants yet they still manage to get it out ahead of time and release everyone’s results on one day so half of the class wasn’t left hanging. If they could do it, UM sure as hell should have been able to do it</p>


Seriously, w.t.f.? What is up with this major sense of entitlement given off by several people here? Why do you feel entitled or that you have a right to know right now or whenever you feel is the right time? All the admissions page says (and has said since before the application cycle) is “early February.” Guess what? It’s early Feb until about halfway through the month, so as far as we’re concerned, we could have been waiting another 11 days or so. </p>

<p>Get over yourself and be patient. Other schools having EA notifications by Dec 15th has nothing to do with it. Consider the fact that UM actually gives itself more time to review each application by having a later notification date than other schools. </p>

<p>I can’t imagine how you guys have got through (or will get through) life if you’re going haywire over a few days’ delay about a college acceptance.</p>

<p>And the excuse that it’s “not fair” that we have our decisions and some still don’t, 1) they could be on a set, automated schedule to be posted at various times for different regions; 2) life isn’t fair; 3) it’s not the end of the world. If you live in FL, you’ll probably get your packet tomorrow provided it was mailed today; otherwise, you’ll have to live another two days. Seriously I don’t think you’ve been crying about it every day since December 15th, so why start now?</p>


And because I know you guys are going to try and rebut my points with this argument, I’ll go ahead and clear that right up – I felt the same way I do now (represented in this post) last night when I saw everybody whining, which was… you guessed it… BEFORE I got my decision too. ;)</p>

<p>Seriously, go back and read the posts I was making last night. I had sort of an epiphany last night about it - before I got my decision. Like I said, not trying to be offensive, just trying to help you guys out. Considering this is a public forum and I was in your place literally six hours ago, I don’t think it’s fair to say it’s not my place. I’m just trying to give you some insight that is a lot easier to have in my position.</p>

<p>Also… seriously what are you doing sitting around refreshing the MyUM dashboard on a Friday night? Go out and do something and maybe you’ll realize how ridiculous you’re being about a few days’ time.</p>